Naftali Kaminski Profile picture
First Generation Physician-Scientist, & many other things. This account is Private - opinions and tweets do not represent any of the organizations I work with.

Feb 10, 2023, 7 tweets

This is a 🧵about events that happened 40 years ago in Israel.
I was a freshman student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem & attended a demonstration.
The demonstration ended with the murder of Emil Grunzweig, an Israeli teacher & peace activist. #RememberEmil

2/n The demonstration was against Israel’s criminal war on Lebanon, requesting accountability for those responsible for the Sabra & Shatila Massacre. We gathered in Jerusalem’s city center, marched with torches to hold a vigil near the Prime Minister's Office

3/n Our march encountered violent Rt wing counterprotests. I still remember the hateful faces, the spitting, the friends who got beaten, I also remember the “It’s a pity Hitler did not finish the work” Shouts. These were Jews shouting. I will never forget that.

4/n After the end of the march, a grenade was thrown at the dispersing protesters. Emil Grünzweig, an Israeli reserve paratrooper, teacher and peace activist was killed, others wounded. The murderer, was a right-wing activist named Yonah Avrushmi #RememberEmil

5/n Avrushmi was convicted and sentenced for life in prison. His sentence was commuted and in 2011 he was granted parole. In an interview in 2020 he did not seem to express any remorse and sounded very hateful towards current-day protesters…

6/n 40 years after the murder, the camp of the violent attackers from that fateful night are winning in Israel. They are now in government. Their racism, hate, bigotry, and hostility toward liberal democracy normalized. Their policies are implemented. #RememberEmil

7/n But this is exactly the reason why we should not forget Emil Grünzweig. He left his home trying to make the country he loved a more just place, to end a criminal war. He never returned. But maybe his memory inspires others. I sure hope it does #RememberEmil

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