Halaster Profile picture
Engineer, father, investor & researcher @MoonsamaNFT @ExosamaNFT @PondsamaNFT OG

Feb 10, 2023, 21 tweets

1/ Welcome to Halaster's weekly $SAMA #Moonsama #Exosama #Pondsama #Raresama ecosystem recap Feb 4th - 10th.
Ramping up social media presence
1. News
2. Spotlight
3. Events
4. Facts & Figures
Last recap:

Artwork by @numberswetrust!

2/ News:
The team re-installed the weekly AMA format but slightly modified the parameters:
Where? Pondsama Metaverse & Twitter Space
When? Every monday 4PM UTC
How? 1h, all community questions answered

3/ We got some hot alpha shared during the AMA Feb 6th. I attached the communicated roadmap
Bullet points for Exos:
- Battle for NOVA will focus soley on @ExosamaNFT - better hold your Exosama NFTs
- Petsama ramping up in March with an equippable pet for Exosamas!

4/ Bullet point for Pondsama:
- Pondsama Metaverse App has been battle-tested and is ready for iOs/Android App stores. Desktop App might come via @Steam /@EpicGames!
- New implementations like jukebox and battle arena in Metaverse - expect go live of new features soon!

5/ Bullet points for Web3 Gaming Platform:
- expect CS:GO server soon
- internal Diablo Immortal test running
- platform will include governance
- get rewarded on-chain
- MCF support of platform rewards & a @jointhepressure OG music NFT track might be one of the first rewards

6/ A lot is in the works but what has to be mentioned is the increased utility of $SAMA:
- governance @RaresamaNFT
- gas & utility token of Exosama Network
- governance Web3 Gaming Platform
- staking mechanism in development
$SAMA will outperform other tokens in terms of utility

7/ There have been much more alpha news - I recommend you to listen to the stream yourself:
Furthermore I heard the top SamaRazzis @mischievousmrkt @MonkeCrypto_ are preparing a well written wrap-up on dailysama.com

8/ Spotlight:
21K people lost their lives during the earthquakes in Syria & Turkey last week - still increasing.
A community membes - @Anthony_w3n & part of his family were among the victims.
Ambassador @Jabz004 perfectly described what we all feel:

9/ This should lead to the basic question what the purpose is in our lives:
Moonsamas @PanopticusV & @Kusamaximalist are leading by example:
Making life better for children in Kenya! @PanopticusV is working on 27 projects in Kenya alone - a true legend!

10/ Raresama and all its fantastic updates have been covered by our SamaRazzi @MonkeCrypto_ in a fresh and great article on DailySama - learn about governance, profiles, auction modes and more:

11/ @JamesonMah, Investment Analyst at @HelloMetaversal is focussed on Web3 gaming and Metaverse structure.
In his tweet Feb 6th he clearly outlined that he is fully convinced about what to come for Moonsama Exosama - in terms of products & mass adoption:

12/ Events:
The lead of @SamaFoundation_ , @M0msama was interviewed in the last session of @MoonsamaNation crypto talk by @fraydikyt Feb 5th / Metaverse attended included - enjoy the session:

13/ I assume the next episode of the degen crypto talk on Feb 12th 6:30 PM will be dope as well - the guest is Moonsama team member @SupraVoxelle - currently busy with Gromlin Karts e.g.. awaiting his alpha!

14/ Lokito's Academy is continuing the Carnage training performed by @AltCoinMoves and @Klinggaard_ - the latest session Feb 9th was about how to hide your chest and stuff from intruders. Join on a weekly basis - every thursday 6PM UTC Chaos server!

15/ The master himself @BABYFACELOKO is taking care of the great weekly community events - every saturday 3PM UTC Chaos server you can participate and game with the community - squid games, capture the flag, PVP last man standing and more - do not miss!

16/ Main dish of course is sunday - Carnage. Feb 5th Carnage was attended by 939 players!
I did well this time even without my gganbu - but some people outperform - check the videos:
- @Klinggaard_: twitch.tv/videos/1729119…
- @MonkeCrypto_:

17/ Facts & Figures Feb 10th for @RaresamaNFT:
- TSV: 9.8M $SAMA (+20%)
- unique accounts: 1,178 (+4%)
- #NFT collections: 81 (+8%)
- #NFT artworks: 4,541 (+21%)

18/ Facts & Figures Feb 10th:
Exosama Network $SAMA has now
- 792K txs
- 8K wallet addresses
- Moonsama: 89% circ. bridged, floor 17.4K$
- Exosama: 66% circ. bridged, floor 880$
- Gromlins: 60% bridged, floor 356$
- Pondsama: 70% bridged, floor 165$

19/ Facts & Figures Feb 10th:
- $POOP currently at 0.03262$
- $SAMA currently at 0.03177$

Ha! @M0msama leads @RaresamaNFT - sorry for the typo

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