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Feb 10, 2023, 29 tweets

Ohio right now

That's a giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride and a ton of other bad chemicals

The local police blew it up like a beached whale, now megatoxins are Chernobyling Ohio and there's a news blackout and the police are beating reporters and camera people and dragging em

They didn't tell anyone that it's a five day evacuation

Oops all pets dead

* vinyl chloride

This environmental devastation will be visible from space for decades

We're in the 10-50 range.


The water is safe to drink but everything in it is suddenly dead

The next town over, the release instantly killed everyone's chickens. This stuff is catnip for human cancer

"My video camera footage shows my chickens were perfectly fine before they started this burn, and as soon as they started the burn, my chickens slowed down and they died,”

This is the load bearing "can" of personal choice.

Good luck out there. You are alone.

They're stopping and detaining the media, continued

They buried the chemicals AND they burned them

The land in that town and surrounding it is now worthless, and every creature that tries to live there will get cancer, will be sick. It's horrifying what they've done. It's absolutely the worst disaster for generations. Not a story

Dioxins are forever chemicals and a small amount concentrates in higher order animals. Like people. This chemical catastrophe is absolutely going to drop life expectancy in Ohio and Pennsylvania for generations. And animals carry it away after ingesting it. When THEY'RE ingested.

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