That's a giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride and a ton of other bad chemicals
The local police blew it up like a beached whale, now megatoxins are Chernobyling Ohio and there's a news blackout and the police are beating reporters and camera people and dragging em
They didn't tell anyone that it's a five day evacuation
Oops all pets dead
* vinyl chloride
This environmental devastation will be visible from space for decades
We're in the 10-50 range.
The water is safe to drink but everything in it is suddenly dead
The next town over, the release instantly killed everyone's chickens. This stuff is catnip for human cancer
"My video camera footage shows my chickens were perfectly fine before they started this burn, and as soon as they started the burn, my chickens slowed down and they died,”
The land in that town and surrounding it is now worthless, and every creature that tries to live there will get cancer, will be sick. It's horrifying what they've done. It's absolutely the worst disaster for generations. Not a story
Dioxins are forever chemicals and a small amount concentrates in higher order animals. Like people. This chemical catastrophe is absolutely going to drop life expectancy in Ohio and Pennsylvania for generations. And animals carry it away after ingesting it. When THEY'RE ingested.
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I'm following the saga of some guy who watched them bury a bunch of chickens at a small poultry farm and he's dug it up and is pulling out as many as he can for his deep freezer
He dug down until he hit bird now he's in a race against time. It's frozen outside so he can just pitch them onto the ground for now but they've got to come up before they can be frozen like this. He's using two hay hooks to haul out bird carcasses and fling them out of the pit. It's messy work.
He is letting them cure in the open air to chill down then loading them up in his truck and taking them back to his trailer which has a barn behind it with a bunch of deep freezers he slowly acquired over the years to preserve game, none though since the poultry farm moved in...
In China, money is a public utility. The state owns the Central Bank of China. In every Western country, the federal reserve and its equivalent are not owned by the state and exist solely to make sure commercial banks are healthy. They play an outsized role because no one understands what a bank does, and Wall Street keeps it that way.
When your central planners are the same people that want to introduce debt into your economy, and therefore own productive assets that your people create, it’s no surprise that the few people that go into banking end up making lucrative amounts of money, that on paper, looks like it’s generating wealth. All it’s doing is creating overhead and suffocation as all of those loans means that another person actually owes the bank something.
The only reason a revolution hasn’t already happened is because of nonsense terms like “inflation” being used to obfuscate the reality of how things are working but it boggles my mind that we live in probably the most extractive system ever invented since feudalism, well eclipsing the exploitation of classic industrial capitalism because atleast there, you could strike against your exploiters. Where to even begin striking at the banks?
I really dislike the term quantitative easing, because it's another jargony word that Finance has used to make it seem like what they're doing is more complicated/esoteric than what it actually is. It might be easier to think about it in terms of "giving the banks money".
It might be helpful to think of the Western economies as centrally planned by the banks. When people talk about "free markets", this is ultimately just either an illusion or convention. In reality, what we have today is a very top down economy centered around banking, and the products of banking is...debt. Think about what a bank does - they literally generate debt via the form of loans.
This isn't well known, but nearly 97% of the money generated in a Western economy is generated out of thin air by banks.
What this means is that effectively ALL of the money in a neoliberal economy is created by commercial and private banks. But think about what a bank actually does - they have the ability to generate loans electronically to claim on top of an existing asset. Said another way, a banks role is to claim assets and introduce debt into an economy.
All of these debts then get securitized. This is more jargon to say that these debts then itself become revenue-generating assets, similar to a dividend. This is the primary way in which Wall Street allows these banks to offload these debts to get even more money beyond the interest generated by the loans.
Because these debts percolate throughout the economy in this way, interest rates are how this becomes centrally planned. Think about it in this way - because banks generate money (aka debt) out of nothing, they have an incentive to continue doing it. The way they stay solvent is by having a reserve available in case a certain percentage of their depositors suddenly withdraw everything at once. This percentage of actual money they need to keep on hand changes daily.
Further, because of deregulation introduced by neoliberalism, banks itself can turn their own debts into assets and invest in other debt-securities. The thing about debt is that they grow faster than real assets or even the real economy itself. This means that all of this bank debt that is created is naturally volatile, as they are claims onto something real, and that real thing does not grow as fast as debt does. Said another way, your ability to generate income from your job does not grow as fast as the debt of taking on a 500,000 loan, due to compounding interest.
Because neoliberalism does not view this as necessarily a problem, the economy is therefore "turbocharged" by the mass introduction of this debt, which as we saw earlier, is itself income by the banks both via interest and securitization.
In a neoliberal economy, the banks are the most important part and the central planners of the economy - this is in contrast to an industrial capital structure, such as pre-1970s America and China today, where the banks role is to fund a consumer-production economy.
In theory, banks supposedly introduce value into an economy by generating loans to productive endeavors, like businesses opening a new factory and employing people. This is how industrial capitalism works, and it what allowed capital intensive conglomerates, first starting with Edison and GE, and then later Ford, to scale from cottage industries to country defining entities.
In neoliberalism, this is not the case. Industry generates more money by investing into the stock market than it could ever hope to by employing people and opening up productive capacities for the simple reason that debt turbocharges asset growth due to its compounding abilities. Further, wage growth eats into bottom lines and net income, which was solved by offshoring - the massive explosion of GDP by neoliberal economies is to take advantage of low wages and equity growth.
The neoliberal economy is run, therefore, by banks introducing debt into the economy, that debt being converted into assets by Wall Street, and industry investing into equities, not hard assets.
This is all buildup just to what quantitative easing is. Seen in this light, the Federal Reserve exists to let the banks continue centrally planning the economy and do a few things - squash wage growth, which they call as inflation targets; make sure banks don't make too many bad bets - if they do, bail them out; and keep the debt economy going.
Interest rates in theory are "levers" to pull to influence the behavior of banks in this way. But QE, which is the Federal Reserve generating debt, was first introduced the world by Japan in the 90s as a way to, no other way to say it, unfuck the banks. You see, when banks make too many bad beds, and therefore all of their shitty behavior of claims onto the economy materialize, it means someone actually becomes bankrupt. Said another way, banks generating loans means someone owes them loans. When you can't pay a loan, you go bankrupt. To not go bankrupt, what if we gave them another loan to pay off their first loan? This is the effect of QE.
So said simply, QE is generating debt continue allowing the banks to make loans, which is the engine of a neoliberal economy.
In Japan, interest rates went to 0%, and sometimes negative which is hard to really understand (effectively - the banks are paying you to spend money), but it led to a stagnation. In the US, this did not happen - why? Simply because we print the money that the world wants. Said another way, we generate money (debt via Treasury Bills) that the world needs to feed itself. So, QE led to an explosion of growth due to the US' unique position of being a reserve currency. This led to a massive explosion of the equity market due to the behavior of industry realizing they could generate more money by investing in equities than opening new factories.
This led to the economy turning into a Ponzi Scheme since 2008 when then whole thing collapsed and QE started going in earnest - to bail out the bad bets placed by banks, we have to generate more debt to pay off the prior debt, and then to bail out the bad bets placed by the new debt, we have to generate more debt and so on.
Here's the truth. 90% of the human population has caught a virus that destroys the brain, measurably, by volume, by cognitive tests, across the board. They're continuing to catch the virus. A mild infection shaves 7-13 IQ points. At a time of high complexity. What does this mean?
This means that we are definitely not on the precipice of some emergent uplifting of the human condition driven by interconnectedness combined with the higher, frontal lobe thought processes that would inspire voluntary lifestyle and philosophical change to sustainable mutualism.
We are not entering the age of Aquarius.
Instead, changes in lifestyle, culture, and so forth, will be shaped by individuals encountering and adapting to serial crises to which we do not collectively respond.
Individuals may be outliers, but society will be reactionary, brutal.
I lied. You'll be getting updates and explanations.
I'm not posting here anymore for a number of reasons.
1. I have a stalker, who is incredibly determined. Their focus is identifying and hurting people *around* me, in order to weaken, discredit, and isolate me.
This individual has created hundreds and hundreds of sock puppet accounts. Two of those sockpuppet accounts, out of hundreds and hundreds, managed to sneak by unnoticed, and two made it into two of our seven mega falcon-only group chats.
They then targeted and groomed three ppl.
This latest one went on for a little over a year before I noticed, because the account was created as a hateful parody of trans-women, in the mind of this twisted individual. It went unnoticed because they basically targeted a handful of falcons, did nothing but compliment them.
Yo what the fuck this apartment manager just came up with crews in the dead of night and took all the doors off the apartments and then boarded everyone up inside their own apartments, Harvey, Illinois. What the shit
Beyond everything else, we must recognize the hyper-reality of our situtation, and that, at this point, reality itself is a mutable, mutual project, directed by a powerful few, and enacted by a cast of citizen-actors who take these directions and translate them into the kind
Our job is to follow these trails of consequence, and own them. We must identify them, expose them, and refuse to participate. We will have to endure privation and significant lifestyle changes to control our habits of consumption. This will be good for our health and wellbeing.
This was the task of early abolitionists in America. The drive to emancipation is intrinsic to the human spirit. Everywhere that it is countered is an active affront to that, to humanity, broadly. Kindness and usefulness to others is a basic human desire and need. We want peace.