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Feb 13, 2023, 8 tweets

1. The BJP is not against #ValentinesDay, at least not officially. But almost all the people in India who oppose the day of love will also be found to be supporters of or associated with BJP. Is there a relation? Obviously! For people whose only calling in life is spread of hate

2. coming to terms with love cannot come easy
Love demolishes all boundaries, but when one's favourite pastime is to discover Jihad even in Love, any day will just be a doom's day. Hatred guides the cadre of Bajrang Dal, Sri Ram Sena, Karni Sena, some of the vigilante groups one

3. can associate with trouble making on V-day. Most of them are affiliated to Sangh. Why so much hate guys?
What are their problems with V-day?
a. Western culture
b. Love Jihad
c. Against Hindu culture
d. Women cannot express love in public
e. Vulgar display
f. commoditisation

4. It's dangerous to call BS as BS. But then even if you've some BS problems with people celebrating & expressing love, the way to protest is not by harassing couples in public. With BJP gov in most states, you'll generally see a muted police against hooligans from Bajrang Dal

5. We're creating our own army of anti-love Talibanis. & they're voters of BJP
Nationalism matters to you. So does religion. But should you also not stand up against public harassment of consenting adults? Is dragging women by hair & publicly flogging men a part of Hindu Sanskar?

6. Then why are you silent on such crimes? Why do you not raise objection to your BJP representatives, MLAs or MPs?
Mughal-e-Azam made 1960s India swoon to 'Jab Pyaar kiya to Darna kya'. Why not in 2023? A vitriolic debate over a corporate conman is politics. Acceptable. But

7. stopping the young & the old to express in open their love is not what an opinionated nation should be indulging in
All the 'pyaar ke dushmans' on road are sidekicks of BJP MPs & MLAs. You know who to TELL to put an end to this nonsense. Let not a Sanghi spoil you day of Love

8. Adding this tweet as the reminder to what you’ve voted yourself into India! About time, you stop kissing the cobra. Because only if you can celebrate love without malice, can you live without anguish

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