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Feb 14, 2023, 9 tweets

This 1991 declassified CIA document about Anomalous Mental Phenomena (AMP/telepathy) has a stated objective:

1) Explore the effects of target properties on Anomalous Cognition (AC) quality.

2) Determine the degree to which Anomalous Cognition (AC) quality depends upon a sender.

It describes the procedures for conducting their experiments but it also goes over some of the historical research into these phenomena. In particular, they talk about the use of Zener target cards and discuss what can be learned from past knowledge and experimentation.

As with most of these studies, they offer some results but include a recommendation to extend the study. Beginning w/ the second objective, they found that “a sender can significantly improve the quality of AC” and mention that they’re still trying to determine the ideal target.

But the most interesting result of their experiments was the answer to the first objective:

“…he found that AC quality was significantly enhanced when the targets were video clips from popular movies (i.e., dynamic) as opposed to static photographs…” #PredictiveProgramming

So the CIA has known conclusively since at least 1991 that telepathic and psychic cognition is significantly enhanced through the use of motion pictures. Is it any wonder they’re so involved in Hollywood? There are certainly many other reasons but this is a big one.

“Ghostbusters” (1984) was released within seven years of this paper and it just so happens to feature Zener cards and scientists researching anomalous mental phenomena. It’s also quite interesting that they’re studying the effects of negative reinforcement on these abilities.

John Robert Beyster founded SAIC in 1969. He served in the Navy, worked for the Westinghouse nuclear submarine program in the 1950s, was a research physicist at Los Alamos and was the chairman of the Accelerator Physics Department of General Atomics until 1968.

Beyster had top secret security clearance and a background in advanced government and military programs. Then he founds a company that grows to be one of the biggest IT companies in the world by doing mostly government contracting - and he even looks like the classic CIA agent.

With all of that in mind, it’s really quite the coincidence that when you spell SAIC backwards you get CIA’S. If that wasn’t enough, in 1986 Beyster established the Foundation for Enterprise Development, also known as FED. It’s probably nothing though.

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