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Feb 14, 2023, 7 tweets

As Keanu Reeves gears up for the fourth installment of John Wick, WIRED got a chance to chat with the star and director Chad Stahelski to talk all things man-versus-machine, AI, The Matrix, and fighting for what’s real. #JohnWick4 📸: Art Streiber wired.trib.al/3AAiNQh 1/7

During the Matrix movies Stahelski served as Reeves’ stunt double on set. Like the Wachowskis, Stahelski's John Wick movies prove computers can't fix bad ideas—something AI is threatening to disprove. 2/7

Reeves and Stahelski are aware that new tech—AI, the metaverse, etc—is changing filmmaking, but both remain passionate about creating things that feel authentic and real. 3/7

Despite living in the streaming era, Reeves and Stahelski still believe in the big screen. Creating an immersive experience for audience members was one of the reasons for the delay of #JohnWick4. 4/7

To uncover more about the dynamic duo before #JohnWick4 hits theaters on March 24th, read the full interview by @WaterSlicer. 📸: Art Streiber wired.trib.al/3AAiNQh 5/7

Who is your Favorite John? #JohnWick4 6/7

Get your first year of WIRED for $5 a month and get unlimited access to our longform features, buying guides, and tech news. wired.trib.al/y56Mi3d 7/7

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