/1 What are the common load-balancing algorithms?
The diagram below shows 6 common algorithms.
🔹 Static Algorithms
1. Round robin
The client requests are sent to different service instances in sequential order. The services are usually required to be stateless.
/2 2. Sticky round-robin
This is an improvement of the round-robin algorithm. If Alice’s first request goes to service A, the following requests go to service A as well.
/3 3. Weighted round-robin
The admin can specify the weight for each service. The ones with a higher weight handle more requests than others.
4. Hash
This algorithm applies a hash function on the incoming requests’ IP or URL.
/4 🔹 Dynamic Algorithms
5. Least connections
A new request is sent to the service instance with the least concurrent connections.
6. Least response time
A new request is sent to the service instance with the fastest response time.
/5 👉 Over to you: We can use other attributes for hashing algorithms. For example, HTTP header, request type, client type, etc. What attributes have you used?
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