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Journalist, Geo-Politics, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law

Feb 15, 2023, 10 tweets

Andrew Tate - Frame Job Exposed

Verified messages have been leaked & it clearly shows that the women PLANNED to frame the Tates.

They manipulated the Tates into believing they loved them & framed them by involving the embassy SHORTLY after arriving.

This case is over. /1

US woman arrived in Romania, on 6TH April, they called US Embassy to FRAME the Tates

Her Mum “Go to hell Emma with your arrogance & ignorance and BULLSHIT. Go to Wupwupland or Bangkok or Bora Bora. Who is stopping you?

The whole AMERICAN EMBASSY is on alert because of you.” /2

Emma: That’s your fault.

So this was pre-planned and the aim was to take the Tate brothers out.

So BEFORE the possibility of being trafficked, she had already contacted the US embassy and planned to move to London. /3

Emma says her and Aliona have brainwashed Andrew/Tristan Tate to believe that they are in LOVE with them:

“We have MADE the brothers believe we are in love”

So it was the girls who used LOVE to manipulate the Tates. /4

They had complete autonomy. They could leave. They could come and go as they please.

She says that she had the Tates believing they loved them and used love to say:

“Tristan doesn’t really care if I LEAVE”

“They think we will run back” /5

They then planned their Oscar winning performance 2 days before the raid:

Aliona: “You are a good actress”

Emma: “I practiced”

Aliona: “Play Dumb”

Emma: “I’m going to pull some tears out” /6

Then 1 day before the raid they say we need an OSCAR.

But also plan the whole loverboy/trafficking argument. They even plan the texts they will send the Tates:

“Saying a nice message saying we are hurt or shit like that and we do love them” /7

And what’s the goal? Well it’s to get a movie written about them;

Hollywood sign these girls up:

Emma: “We are writing a movie ASAP”

Aliona: “Lets email Netflix ASAP”

Emma: “Hulu, Amazon Prime” /8

I have verified the authenticity of the messages. They are real.

The time stamp issue was due to a glitch/download issue.

If these were doctored then fake times would have been created to stop any contentions. But it was important that no one changed the original document. /9

To recap:

The girls BRAINWASHED the TATES into thinking they loved them.

Framed them by calling the US Embassy shortly after she arrived.

Said they were FREE to leave.

PLANNED the performance to DIICOT

Wanted a MOVIE deal. /10

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