Andy Robbins Profile picture
Product Architect of BloodHound Enterprise. Co-creator of BloodHound. Please donate to MDA: He/him. @SpecterOps. Mstdn:

Feb 16, 2023, 9 tweets

Azure App Service Web Apps are yet another #Azure service that supports managed identity assignments.

Here's how attackers can use #BARK to abuse those assignments:

There are at least 3 ways to achieve code execution on an Azure App Service Web App ("Azure Web App" from here on) instance:

1. The Kudu shell execution API endpoints
2. Poison deployment to include a web shell in the app
3. Find a cmd execution vulnerability in the deployed app

We'll focus on #1 - abusing the built-in Kudu shell execution endpoints.

This is the feature the Azure GUI uses as its "Debug Console" and is documented here:…

@kfosaaen discussed this in his August 2020 blog post here:…

We can access this endpoint with either deployment credentials or an AzureRM-scoped JWT for a principal with Owner, Contributor, or Website Contributor role on the Web App.

You can use either with BARK's new cmdlet, Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand

Say you found clear-text application-scoped credentials for the Web App. Just base64-encode the username/password and provide that, the Kudu URI, and the command to Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand:

Or if you have an AzureRM-scoped JWT:

If the Web App has a Managed Identity assignment, we can use Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand to extract a JWT for the Managed Identity Service Principal:

As an attacker, we can now act as the service principal and gain whatever new privileges that service principal may have that we didn't have before.

Why should you care?

This is why:

Want to know more? Check out my blog post from yesterday:

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