Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

Feb 17, 2023, 25 tweets

Astral body is connected with physical body with Silver-Cord, this cord is invisible but very powerful, it is flexible and magical because of this silver cord you receive the signals and information about your physical body.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

1. E.g. Digestion or urination process occurs & when your physical body needs to go to washroom while you are in astral plane, your subconscious mind sends you signals through silver cord “Return Urgently” & you start seeing images of washrooms or clocks in your vision.

2. E.g. - If someone tries to wake you up or insect bites you then again your subconscious mind sends you signals and you hear voices like “wake up” or seeing insects.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

So the power of astral projection is in control of the subconscious mind. Astral Planes - are lower and middle dimensions (1d, 2d, 3d, 4d).
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

The mythicized "astral plane" is considered to be the home of not only souls finding their way to their next life or final resting place but also home for demons, witches, monsters and evil spirits that are more than human soul.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

These are called as Lower Astral Planes. Middle astral plane is 4th dimension and higher astral plane 5th dimensions.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

Astral plane is timeless, spaceless or boundless, there is no time in astral planes. Lower astral planes are always a darkness, middle astral planes evening lights and higher astral planes bright lights but no such thing as earthly time.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

Astral plane is timeless, spaceless or boundless, there is no time in astral planes. Lower astral planes are always a darkness, middle astral planes evening lights and higher astral planes bright lights but no such thing as earthly time.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

Most of the People Travel in Astral Planes unconsciously and unintentionally/ involuntarily and when they wake, they think It’s a Dream or don’t even remember experience of Astral Projection.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

Yes, there are types of ‘Astral Projections’: 1. Involuntary with No “Consciousness” - means you think it’s a dream or don’t remember astral journey. It’s like vivid bewildering dreams. One feels more tired on waking than when going to sleep.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra

2. Involuntary with “Consciousness” - you don’t know how you go in astral plane but on waking up you know it’s not a dream like you have awareness of “waking up” in a dream, flying, or with snatches of clear experiences. Consciousness is often rapidly lost after a while.

3. Voluntary with No “Consciousness” - means you know you are in astral plane but no consciousness, no awareness, don’t know where to go and how to return.

This is done consciously but you are not conscious of the experience at that time, however, it ensures that retrievable information is available after the event.

4. Voluntary with “Consciousness” - means you consciously control astral projection and have complete awareness of experience from beginning to end. And I have experience of all four types of astral projections.

I invested 4 months to learn astral projection in ‘Voluntary with Consciousness’ state. Astral projection is in control of Subconscious Mind, if you do healing & reprogramming work on your subconscious mind, you go to astral traveling with conscious mind & voluntary control.

Some people ask me, “Can You come into My Home if Astral Projection is Real?” Ans. – In astral projection, you only go in astral plane, it’s an astral projecprojection and not a earth projection.

When you leave this physical body, you have no permission to live in this physical plane/Earth. If your soul tries to live on earth after death, Earth Angels/Yamdoot/Death Messengers immediately send you in astral planes

That’s why we do not see dead soul on mother earth because earth gravity controls everything, no one lives on earth without the permission of the mother earth.

5. Seeing Non-Physical Things - After awakening of third eye, we can see energy, shadows, auras, paranormal things which are beyond the vision of normal two eyes because now frequency range to see is changed.


6. Seeing Inside Subconscious/ Unconscious Mind - It has the power to look inside your subconscious and knows how is your inner child and is used for exploring your past lives and actively clearing the unconscious of past conditioning.

After awakening of third eye, you consciously know what is ininside you and how to release and heal yourself. 7. Channeling Message - You are tuned into various guides, angles and other non-physical beings who can help with our transformation,

Channeling is the ability to receive direct messages - thoughts, perceptions, visions, signs or symbols, words from your spirit guides.

8. Power of Remote Viewing - Through the third eye, you can enter states of remote viewing where you can see anything anywhere, the third eye’s connection allows to look at anything, anywhere and see its nature.

You can tune into animals and see their spiritual connections or look into the astral realms and see fairies and nature spirits, the possibilities are endless.


9. Empathy - Empathy is the psychic ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others without their telling us.
10. Intuition - It is the ability to just *know* things without being told.
Credit: Unknown

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