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THE WORLD ENTIRE, Dead series, Everything Happens & Pure from @fahrenheitpress "funny, sad, suspenseful, and totally original…" -Timothy Hallinan

Feb 17, 2023, 10 tweets

I am late to this, but the supposedly merely-decorative ring of swastikas adorning the bases of some antique lamp posts in Chris Burden's #UrbanLight at @LACMA may not have been neutral symbols & certainly don't now offer neutral, historical visual enrichment as the museum and

and @CityOfGlendale assert:… One argument for retaining the swastikas is that they were applied way before the Hitler era. This is false.…

A quick check of @smithsonian reveals that the swastika became a Nazi symbol––an explicitly means an Aryan-supremacist antisemitic symbol––in 1920 before the posts were installed:

LA and Glendale have a pro-Nazi, racist past that btw isn't far into the past and which includes Nazi and KKK activity:…

Also interesting is that lamp posts without swastikas were available and installed just outside of Glendale:…

Glendale high & community college had KKK clubs , was a racist, sundown town and as late as 60's had Klansmen in parades. Also had a park devoted to Hindenberg:…

Glendale was a hub for LA's pro-Nazi activity:…

For the definitive history of LA's robust pro-Hitler activity and death-plots, read the HITLER IN LOS ANGELES by Steven J. Ross:…


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