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Feb 18, 2023, 9 tweets

Jets Model Rigging Debrief #1: Single Responsibility Movement Parameters on Augmented Angles in #Live2D !

In summary, it allows us to compartmentalize movement params to make it easier for us in the long run to fine tune movement without editing a lot of deformers.


Splitting the movement into smaller chunks allow you to:
1. save time not remaking lots of deformers to edit one thing
2. easily configure how strong or subtle the movement via physics or inputs are (and even export physics settings for other models if you want to!)


I made XYZ angles on the head, upper body, and lower body.
Those set parameters are responsible for angular tracking, positional tracking, and even breathing!

They are all linked via physics. A Physics Group is made for each parameter; 1 output and any amount of input.


For example, we look at the upper body tilting (upper body X)

By acting it out IRL, I tend to bend the upper body when:
- I rotate my head (angle X)
- I tilt my head (angle Z)
- I move my body left or right (pos X)


I won't get into the gritty details on the augmented parameters, but here's a tutorial on youtube!

This is a rather advanced technique, but I highly recommend it if you want to up your rigging quality by a large margin!


I add in angle X, angle Z, as angular movements because I want them to follow the inputs
then I add pos X as positional movement since I want a quick hip sway only.

Then I add the upper body X angle as an output, and make sure it does not hit walls hard, etc.

And I'm done!


There are some caveats on these though:
Depending on the model, you might find inconsistencies if 2 parameters are too far apart (upper body tilting left, and lower body tilting right makes the mid section weird)

So be sure to make use of glue or good deformer hierarchy!


On a more mental note, if you want to try this method out, it is important to focus on that certain body part's movement only.
Try not to put X movement on a Z movement, etc. All the magic will happen in the physics window!

why not try it out!


On another note, this is a tried and tested method done by other riggers as well, so dont credit me on this if you happen to make it!

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