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🐹📡 EN 〇 | JP △ games/art/live2d will rig for food Live2Dクリエイター表彰プログラム2022年2月分受 依頼 ( 個人 △ | 企業 〇 ) HP(日本語): https://t.co/f9aWqI9kYX
Feb 18, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Jets Model Rigging Debrief #1: Single Responsibility Movement Parameters on Augmented Angles in #Live2D !

In summary, it allows us to compartmentalize movement params to make it easier for us in the long run to fine tune movement without editing a lot of deformers.

1/8 Splitting the movement into smaller chunks allow you to:
1. save time not remaking lots of deformers to edit one thing
2. easily configure how strong or subtle the movement via physics or inputs are (and even export physics settings for other models if you want to!)
