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I share research to help you escape the narrative & learn about the Future Digital Economy🌎🌐Topics: #Corruption #DLT, #PaperlessTrade #4IR📝- Not FA - DYOR.

Feb 18, 2023, 19 tweets

As a investor and researcher, You need to look beyond the #hype

Even if you are invested in a project, you need to always keep digging and do not let the flashy partnerships distort your thinking.

Nothing is for sure and not everything is as it seems.

Here is an example -

Please provide a community update to prove I am wrong @WadzPay / @Anish_tweeets.

Please prove that your #IDRP stablecoin is actually being used and redeemable at banks in Indonesia. Partner of $WTK…

But let's take a look at this #IDRP website.

Using a tool that costs me 300$ a month, told me this website only has 13 visitors a month. #WTK

With only 9 backlinks... This means it is non existent in the real world. For a token redeemable at banks?..

How is #IDRP marked as "Live" when it is completely "Dead"?

A citizen from Indonesia has tried to contact @WadzPay to get clarity on how to redeem at banks and they dodge his question. So I tried as well and got no answer

Look at the Transactions of the token lol.

So seeing 4 transactions in a month on #IDRP thats "redeemable at banks & audited" inspired me to dig a little deeper with seeing this fake dead end..

What I found was hilarious- An actually audited stablecoin for citizens out in Indonesia named #IDRT

So RupiahToken #IDRT was created in 2018

One year later

#Wadzpay partner creates a 1 letter off clone called #IDRP. Thinking no one would go this deep and realize the real lies that are right in front of our eyes

@WadzPay please issue a statement and show proof of your partner

Image 1 = 13 visits per month #IDRP / Wadzpay Partner
Image 2 = 1200 visits per month #IDRT the real Indonesia stablecoin

Why would you create a clone of another token and boast about it in the early days?

I thought Transparency was #1 @WadzPay?

Why dupe investors on this?

Rupiah Token IDRT has years worth of transparent audits on their site

Here is on and you can see the rest on the main home page:

Notice #IDRP / #Wadzpay #WTK partner has no new updates on their dead site. It's a "storefront" with nothing in the back.…

Dont hate me for asking these honest questions about the #WTK ecosystem. I have owned my tokens since Sept 2021.

I am weirded out that a global company would lie about these partnerships in the foundations of their global payments company.

What other skeletons in the closet?

Another question I have is why did Steve head of compliance & risk leave the same month as the token supply increase out of the blue? This was not mentioned in the initial white paper & they use to brag about the super low supply & how it made it valuable

Here are a list of E commerce partners that #Wadzpay has stated #WTK can be used to checkout and pay.

All the sites check out there is no sign of Wadzpay integration or any backlink going to wadzpay website.

If you can find a demo or way to use $WTK to pay please post below.

What happen to the #SOL #WTK Bridge that they stated was ready to launch when ever they wanted?

Where is it and why hasn't there been an update for over a year on it? #Wadzpay

What happen to the minted tokens for this bridge?

As a #WTK investor since 2021, I would like you guys to answer this list of questions in this thread of discrepancies I have come a cross in my research on the $WTK ecosystem.

I think it is important for you as a "Transparent" company to update the community and provide answers

When @Mastercard partnership update @Anish_tweeets

You are a couple years late from your promises, same with Bank of Ghana. @WadzPay I would appreciate your marketers to take the time to answer these questions as I am asking and stating nicely since you continue to ignore me.

This is not a attempt at FUD.

I still own some of my $WTK Tokens, this is all based on research you can dig into yourself. If your gonna talk
💩 show me the evidence.

This is honest questions from a deep diving researcher who has noticed some things are not lining up.

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