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Chief International Editor at DW, Germany's global broadcaster. Based in Berlin. All the usual disclaimers. @dwnews

Feb 18, 2023, 12 tweets

Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference
Key points - THREAD 🧵

Quick version: pulls no punches whatsoever, blames US for the state of the world

- Covid is contained but world is not safer
- Geopolitical rifts are widening
- Cold war mentality is back


Wang Yi at #msc23 /2

- New types of threat - energy, food, climate, biosecurity, AI - keep emerging
- Standing at a critical juncture of history
- Human society must not repeat the path of antagonism, division, antagonism
- Fall into traps of zero sum game, war and conflict

Wang Yi at #msc23 /3

Double-edged on Ukraine/Taiwan:

- For safer world, sovereignty & territorial integrity of all countries must be respected
- Power politics & hegemony do biggest damage to global peace
- Interference in internal affairs of other countries a basic violation

Wang Yi at #msc23 /4

On Taiwan blames US & Tw govt:

- Any violations of one-China principle
- Attempts to create:
- One China & one Taiwan or two Chinas
- are gross infringement of China’s territorial integrity
- Pose real threats to peace & stability across Tw Strait

Wang Yi at #msc23 /5

Implicitly accuses West of double standards on Ukraine vs Taiwan

- Principle of sovereignty cornerstone of intl order
- All should apply in words & deeds, not selectively
- CN will resolutely curb acts of separatism, safeguard sovereignty & terr integrity

Wang Yi at #msc23 /6

On tensions with US:

- Disagreements of visions between different countries do exist
- But however difficult a situation is, political solutions should be pursued
- Creating opposing blocs, hyping threats creates risk of miscalculation

Wang Yi at #msc23 /7

Denies China seeks hegemony:

- In Oct Xi said pursues rejuvenation of China on all paths (i.e. incl "reunification" w/Taiwan)
- China’s peaceful development a unique miracle
- Some assume a strong country will seek hegemony, our history shows otherwise

Wang Yi at #msc23 /8

On China seeking security leadership:

- Any increase in China's strength is an increase in global peace
- Will launch a "concept paper" for Xi's Global Security Initiative
- To lay out a more "systematic approach" to address global security challenges

Wang Yi at #msc23 /9

Wang urges Europe not to align with US against China:

- Making the world a safer place hinges on right choices of China & Europe
- Both jajor forces in multipolar world
- If we choose dialog/cooperation/stability, there will be no Cold War

Wang Yi at #msc23 / 10

In Q&A Wang continues accusations against US:

- Slams US Chips Act as "pure protectionism"
- Accuses US of "hysteria" over balloons
- Implies US scuppered Ukraine-Russia talks last year

Wang Yi at #msc23 / 11

Asked by @ischinger to reassure no attack on Taiwan imminent, Wang blames Taiwan + US:

- Taiwan part of China’s territory
- Never been a country, never will be
- This is status quo
- Not China wanting to change status quo but Taiwan’s separatist forces

Wang Yi at #msc23 / 12

Wang talks about "position paper" coming from Beijing on Ukraine:

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