Karen Piper Profile picture
I'm just here to take notes.

Feb 18, 2023, 13 tweets

It's hard to imagine how Fox's lawyers will respond to this lawsuit. They'll probably fall back on their old argument: "we're entertainment, not news." #FoxKnew

Fox News accused Dominion voting systems of the "greatest crime in American history." Now that's a defamation case! What was Fox News thinking?

Dominion is going to shut down Fox News. 🍿🍿

Tucker Carlson calls Trump a "demonic force, a destroyer."

Fox News staff comments on their false news broadcasts: "Does anyone to a simple fucking Google search...?"

Tucker Carlson privately called Sidney Powell "a fucking bitch," an “unguided missile," and
nuts"--but still promoted her crazy theories on TV.

Laura Ingraham said Rudy Giuliani is also "nuts."

Fox News aired "news" about election fraud obtained from a woman who got her information from the "wind" and "time travel." She believed that Justice Scalia had been killed by a "human hunter."

Maria Bartiromo thought the time traveler's information was "very important," so passed it along to Eric Trump.

Everyone at Fox News thought Maria Bartiromo was "saying crazy shit," but they let her keep talking.

Fox News thought Sidney Powell was "doing lsd and cocaine and heroin and shrooms," but they kept letting her back on TV.

Lou Dobbs said Sidney Powell "could be losing her mind," but Fox News kept bringing her back.

Sean Hannity said Sidney Powell is a "f*cking lunactic," but he still had her on his show.

Fox News producer said "the audience doesn't want to hear about a peaceful transition." So, they gave the audience what they wanted.

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