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I'm just here to take notes.
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Sep 8 5 tweets 2 min read
This is what Tenet Media was broadcasting for Putin in the U.S. They support Elon Musk, Trump, RFK Jr, and violent protests. 1/ Image This Putin propaganda reminds me of Russia's misogynist attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016. 2/ Image
May 12 5 tweets 2 min read
I watched an interview with Clarence Thomas from 2013 and got the feeling he's been seeking revenge for Anita Hill speaking out against him in 1991 ever since.

He appreciates those who "sided" with him then, developed his tribe around them and his wife, and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. 1/ Joe Biden introduced and supported Anita Hill in 1991, which I'm sure makes Clarence Thomas despise him.

Highlights: Thomas likes beastiality and rape porn. He harassed Hill right before marrying Ginni. 2/
Apr 24 19 tweets 4 min read
I'm so glad I watched this. Four DC National Guardsmen, under oath, say that Charles Flynn and Gen. Piatt lied about what happened on January 6. Flynn's cover-up, of course, doesn't make Trump's do-nothing day any less criminal. 1/ @sandibachom
The main point of each officer's testimony is that the DoD Inspector General's report about J6 is bunk. I have long said this. It needs a disclaimer on it. 2/
Mar 3 13 tweets 4 min read
I know who runs these "Patriot" companies selling scam "Trump Bucks." He also runs a company called Click Wu LLC. It's in Alabama. 1/ What's more interesting is his company is linked to a pro-Trump disinfo network, which was discovered by Israeli hackers in 2019. "Jackson Lin" registered the disinfo "news" side through companies at "1st Floor #5 Dekk House" in the Seychelles. 2/calcalistech.com/ctech/articles…
Feb 23 7 tweets 2 min read
Former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady was directed by Bill Barr to "vet" the information supplied by Rudy Giuliani, which we now know came from Russian intelligence. 1/ Brady claims he found a "reference" to Hunter Biden serving on the Burisma board in a prior interview (1023) with Smirnov, so he asked the FBI to reinterview Smirnov in 2020. 2/ Image
Jan 26 4 tweets 1 min read
OMG. This former Lieut. Colonel is outlining Flynn's strategy (called F3E) for destroying the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan. He now openly says they're using it against Americans. 1/ rumble.com/v493s1b-ltc-pe… Alex Jones is promoting a convoy to the Southern Border, which, not coincidentally, stops at Phil Waldron's place in Dripping Springs, TX, which they call the "war room." 2/ Image
Jan 16 5 tweets 2 min read
It appears John Solomon and Kash Patel have conflicting testimonies about that binder.
Kash says he never saw the docs.
Solomon says he did. 1/ Image This lawsuit filed by John Solomon a few days before the Mar-a-Lago raid is what I like to call a CYA suit. Cover Your Arse. 2/ storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
Dec 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A Venezuelan gang runs migrant caravans to the U.S. "The Tren de Aragua is under the control of the Venezuelan regime, operated by its military intelligence services in collaboration with Cuban intelligence services." That means it's connected to Putin. dialogo-americas.com/articles/peru-… I've long wondered if Putin directs Venezuelan migrant caravans to the U.S. According to this article, this criminal gang “is a puppet created, trained, financed, and directed by them [Venezuelan military intelligence], to destabilize Latin American democracies.” And the U.S.? 2/
Nov 29, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
In a shocking filing from two days ago, Trump's attorney is arguing that the crimes Trump is accused of are not crimes. In so doing, he basically admits everything Trump did.

1) Trump fired the CISA director for saying the election was fair.
Image 2) Trump's attorney throws in Ron Watkin's QAnon conspiracy that the Solar Winds breach had to do with the election. Image
Nov 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
According to Steve Bannon, Trump's priority when he takes office will be to deport 10 million people and release everyone who beat up cops on J6.

So, it will be police state run by violent criminals who tried to overthrow the government. 1/ Bannon says everyone who doesn't "kiss the ring" and accept that the 2020 election was stolen "will not be part of this movement." 2/ Image
Sep 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Enrique Tarrio said that, if he had cooperated, "I would assume they would have been able to charge the president with seditious conspiracy." Wow.

He said he was texting with someone who was passing messages along about J6--through 2 other people--to President Trump. 1/ Tarrio said he didn't want to hurt Trump's chances to win the election by cooperating. I'm sure Tarrio thinks he'll be pardoned if Trump wins.

Tarrio says his point on contact was NOT Roger Stone, but someone he met on the street on July 4 who is not a public figure. 2/
Mar 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump lawyer Cleta Mitchell really believes that Congress can just decide there won't be a new president. 1/ Senator Mike Lee, on the other hand, thought he could convince Congress to pick a different president (Trump) if he had a new slate of electors--but not to reject any president. 2/
Feb 28, 2023 28 tweets 8 min read
Rudy Giuliani lied under oath to the J6 Committee. He said there is child porn on Hunter Biden's laptop, and that's a doozy of a lie to tell about the president's son. 👇 At first, Giuliani goes on and on about he's been investigating Hunter Biden for 4 years.. the same thing he's been repeating forever, which has nothing to do with J6.
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
There it is. @RonDeSantisFL is going to eliminate Black Studies and Women and Gender Studies programs in Florida. This keeps getting worse. You're not allowed to talk about race or "any kind of of political identity filters" while going up for tenure. What if your specialty is Black or Latinx studies? You can't mention it?
Feb 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
My guess would be that Kash Patel wanted Donald Trump to take those classified docs as some sort of protection against investigations.

Patel was already under investigation for releasing classified docs in 2017. 1/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/… While not cosplaying, Patel is constantly talking to the fringe press and spinning a disinformation and "whataboutism" campaign to undermine the FBI. 2/
Feb 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I didn't realize that Fox News' Roger Ailes helped Richard Nixon get elected by studying Hitler's camera angles. Yikes. Fascinating documentary. 1/ 👇vudu.com/content/movies… Roger Ailes would put women on "no hire lists" if they didn't sleep with him. I knew that part, which is well-documented. Every women who told the truth about him is a hero. 2/
Feb 18, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
It's hard to imagine how Fox's lawyers will respond to this lawsuit. They'll probably fall back on their old argument: "we're entertainment, not news." #FoxKnew Fox News accused Dominion voting systems of the "greatest crime in American history." Now that's a defamation case! What was Fox News thinking?
Feb 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Americans might not understand the significance of Russians forcibly taking over Ukraine. We might ask, "Is it worth it to defend them?" Good question.

We know that Putin is extremely anti-American, but Americans still ask, "What does this mean to me?" 1/ To answer this: Putin's goal is to take over his neighboring countries. But his dream is to destroy Europe and the U.S. It's no a secret. 2/
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I love Joe Biden. Watching SOTU a bit late. 👇💙
whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-u… That was an excellent SOTU speech with real, tangible ways to help the working and middle classes.

Haven't heard one like that in a while. Very encouraging. #BidenBoom
Jan 22, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
It appears that Hunter's laptop materials were sent to Steve Bannon (SB) and Rudy Giuliani (RG) BEFORE they even appeared at the laptop repair shop.

Here's an exchange between Hunter Biden's attorney and Garrett Ziegeler, who worked for Trump. (Biden atty in grey.) 👇 1/ Image Ziegler was a Trump administration official who let Michael Flynn into the White House on December 18, 2020. He now sells a book of Hunter Biden laptop materials for $39.95. 2/