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Medium smart award-winning, alt-right Oprah

Feb 19, 2023, 10 tweets

Still waiting on federal appeals court decision but arguments for allowing a judge to jail children were hysterically bad. @AGAndrewBailey isn't sending his best. Good luck, counselor. #DueProcessNow…

Worst argument ever. If this "is something judges do" we need a lot more judges on trial.

Judges regularly violate the rights of citizens so we should let them keep doing it---@attornye_CSV philosophy.

Judge ain't buying it. This is super embarrassing for the state of Missouri #FamilyCourtCorruption #DueProcessNow

Siri, I swear! Sorry to the misfire on tweet handle. This is @AGAndrewBailey's philosophy they're peddling in court on tax payer dime. Holy Moly. It's ASTOUNDING

Failing so hard

What happens to an Attorney General when his attorneys lie to protect a bad judge @AGAndrewBailey? I think it's perjury, but I dunno. State officials don't play by the same rules and we have to.

Wait for it...

I don't know why these threads don't works sometimes. This is the next one and it's hilarious

I think I should be a judge. I know how to handle this @RekietaLaw

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