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Feb 19, 2023, 27 tweets

The @nytimes is failing to defend our democracy from neofascism.

As THE role-model + influencer of media coverage, NYT failures have a disproportionately large impact.

Today NYT whitewashes + normalizes dangerous neofascist @RepMTG

A thread.
@ruthbenghiat @TimothyDSnyder

On the Front Page today @nytimes prioritizes the issue of gender and the @GOP. Admirable goal.

Tho manages to whitewash discussion of “sexism” as “views on sexism” but that’s another failure.

cc: @rtraister @soledadobrien @MarkJacob16

In this piece @RepMTG features surprisingly prominently for a new-though visible politician.

Language choices by NYT @nycscribe frame truth.

“conspiracy theory-minded” is a meaningless neologism and euphemism for extremist, insurrectionist, propagandist..

That the NYT @AGSNYT and @nycscribe have not developed accurate language to describe neofascists is a failure to protect truth and democracy, both.

“hard-right” is a fraudulent euphemism for authoritarianism / ChristoFascism

cc: @froomkin @tomwatson @jayrosen_nyu @Heidi_Cuda


“Right-Wing” is not sufficient.

“Hard right” does not inform readers of the values and agenda.

FFS “firebrand” is an abomination.

“Far right” - how far is too far right?

At what distance “right” does it become fascist?

Any ideas? @protecttruth_ @MMBrussell @JillFilipovic @DougJBalloon

Just to be clear @RepMTG is an unapologetic insurrectionist.

Even if @nytimes Standards is as yet uncomfortable typing the word f.a.s.c.i.s.m.

NYT can use Christian Nationalist. Can’t it? That’s better than “right wing”.

Have these discussions been had @nycscribe ?

She does give NYT license to call her a Christian Nationalist - as she sells Tshirts and calls herself that.

Hey @AGSNYT we recommend sending this to your staff.…

Would be helpful to engage with experts and historians
Such as

Still uncomfortable with the F- word (fascism) @nycscribe @NYTimesGuild ?

How about this from expert on authoritarianism Prof. @ruthbenghiat…

Reminder. @nytimes is read by every newsroom. Every editor. Every day.

When it fails to sound the alarm to threats and attacks to democracy - it fails democracy.

Speaking truth to power - also means truth to threats!

It’s more than the words you use to describe @RepMTG

It’s how you elevate and normalize her.

The NYT Editorial staff has opted to elevate @RepMTG as a figure to ask for comment (while whitewashing her anti-democratic principles and actions).

Seriously the NYT @katieglueck @llerer called @RepMTG for *comment*.

Comment about what?
Is trump sexist?

While you had her, did you ask if she still thinks @JoeBiden “is a piece of shit”
Can she bipartisan w/ “a piece of shit”?

Video H/t @patriottakes

This is how @nytimes loses credibility.

Whitewashing and normalizing threats and attacks on our country - that we all see!

NYT memory-holes that @RepMTG is an avowed insurrectionist and wishes @realDonaldTrump coup attempt(s) were successful

But this piece goes further. Learning nothing from Donald Trump’s use of language to attack opponents. The authors serve as stenographers for @RepMTG in her attacks on Haley.

NYT then reinforces the normalization of @RepMTG with a photo w/her & an American flag in front of our Capitol.

Any irony of that photo @nytpolitics ?

Y’all old enough to remember the insurrection and autogolpe/coup attempts?

She’s just “hard right”?

Is this gaslighting?

Hey @nytimes Standards we know you are busy circling the wagons on your failures of your coverage of trans people+trans rights.
But pretty sure “groping w/o consent” is “sexual assault”
(This piece is sorta abt women &sexism in GOP, right?)
cc: @jodikantor @mega2e @ejeancarroll

Good thing the NYT-Trump hotline got a comment from @realDonaldTrump on the general subject.

This is another example @AGSNYT why NYT has lost credibility. In the era of disinformation as strategy - putting lies in print is gaslighting your readers.

What editor ok’d this?

We ain’t done yet. Will the @nytimes @nycscribe Philip Corbett please stop using “woke” “wokeness” or any derivative. It’s an INTENTIONALLY ill-defined invective that crumbles when defined.
Demand its users define it or don’t use it. As is you are enabling information warfare

Please keep expanding the Standards dept.

Please hire a “euphemism elimination team”. Doing so will help your credibility especially about “accuracy”.

(Still hard to believe that you seriously called the Trump-hotline for a piece on sexism - and quotes his lies).

This makes the head hurt. This piece ideally is about sexism.

Fraudulent euphemism #ALERT:
“some view as gendered” are your keyboards stuck on @DouthatNYT ? Was there a memo that the word “sexism” is “woke”

The word SEXISM appears THREE times in the whole piece.
“Party’s views on sexism”
“accusations of sexism”
“Accuse another Republican of sexism”

There is no discussion of the sexism that is a central mobilizing force of GOP.
@JillFilipovic @Sulliview

Now. Back to our premise that the @nytimes is enabling fascism.

Today we dissected one front page piece.

@RonDeSantisFL is a dangerous demagogue and neofascist.

Here’s our assessment of the @nytimes failures to cover him effectively.

And we hope and need the @nytimes to do better before it’s too late and our aspiring democracy breaks.

“All the news that’s fit to print - to fight fascism.”would not be activism @nycscribe @AGSNYT

A gift of knowledge from @ToniMorrison about fascism.…

Would recommend following @JYSexton and learning more about Christian Nationalism and it’s war on democracy.

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