Stephen McAleer Profile picture
Anaesthetics registrar | @BMAYorkshireJDC Co-Chair | @YorksHumberBMA Honorary Secretary #BMADoctorsVoteYes

Feb 20, 2023, 6 tweets

Junior doctors in England have voted overwhelmingly for strike action 🪧

77% turnout 🗳️

98% YES ✅
A momentous ballot result that will shape the future of the profession #EnoughIsEnough

See you on the pickets 🪧✊



While workload soars, junior doctors pay has been cut by more than a quarter.

Adding insult to injury, junior doctors were offered a paltry “pay award” of 2%

Junior doctors have spoken 🗣️



A crippling cost-of-living crisis, burnout, and below inflation pay awards are driving hard working doctors out of their profession, at a time when we need them more than ever. 

That's why we’re calling for full #PayRestoration



No-one can be expected to stay in a high-pressured job where your earnings are being eroded year on year

The government chose to ignore the recommendations of the pay review body. They refused to meet with @BMA_JuniorDocs


Junior doctors worked flat out during the pandemic and continue to work tirelessly for our patients.

After graduating with more than £100,000 of debt, it's not right that doctors battle to make ends meet on £14/hour.


It is deeply worrying that 79% of doctors are often thinking about leaving the NHS.

With poor pay and conditions, who can blame them?

Two thirds of doctors are actively searching for a way out ✈️

#PayRestoration is needed now ✊


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