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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Feb 21, 2023, 17 tweets

1/ Hey #CUSD! Are we… are we ok with this?

I’m told this was posted inside a school, possibly Perry itself. Awaiting confirmation - can anyone help with that?


2/ …why does Perry have a TPUSA club, anyway? Or any school for that matter?

Well, I don’t know what school her kid went to, but here’s our third-times-a-charm, finally-elected state Rep. Liz Harris bitching…

3/ …about her kid having trouble starting one at her school.

Hey why was Lizzie helping to plan how to promote this club, anyway? Shouldn’t that be what the faculty advisor is for? I’d hate to think she was like, indoctrinating or grooming her kid into this bullshit…

4/ (cont.)

I mean… y’all… does it get any better than defending against a claim of antisemitism by using… an antisemitic trope…? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Way to go, Lizzie! This club sounds great! It’s not antisemitic, it’s just those pesky Jews throwing all their money around again, huh? 🙄

5/ Here’s where she returned to bitch again about how her daughter had tried to start a TPUSA club at her school but was denied because it was an antisemitic hate group.

Hey @ChandlerUnified - who made the call to reverse this, and to say they AREN’T antisemitic or a hate group?

6/ And lookie here! Who else was there that night? Charlie Fucking Kurk, who does not even live in Chandler so why was he there…?

It’s almost like trash birds of a feather…

7/ …stick together. Lookie who else was hysterical that night, and who also does not live in Chandler, and who made a whole purple scene that…

8/ …ANOTHER PURPLE DUDE, who also doesn’t even live in Chandler, was ARRESTED that same night outside the meeting for refusing to back the blue or whatever.

9/ Notice who was right up there by the podium for all this, btw?

10/ And remember Liz’s advice to her daughter?

11/ And while we’re on the topic of these people’s obsession with recording shit, remember when this all went down…? At… Perry…???

That’s a whole lotta purplenurples.

(Y’all caught that filming from the principal’s office, right?)…

12/ Alright back to basics. Just who is this speaker coming to Perry tomorrow?

Just this “MAGA Hulk” guy who’s had previous speaking events cancelled, notably this one that erupted in violence before it could even began as ProudBois did their thing.…

13/ So how lucky are we to have our very own @ChandlerUnified bringing this flaming dumpster fire hate group bullshit not even into our own backyards, but right into our own schools?!?!?

ps Wasn’t kidding about wanting to know who deemed them NOT antisemitic or NOT a hate group.

14/ Don’t forget #CUSD: this whole clown car’s mission never stopped being about gaining access to school spaces to “report” back on the “evidence” they collect.

15/ *ahem* Perry! Again?! If I didn’t know better I might think they were systematically targeting this school.

Y’all can go see this 🗑️ for yourselves if you want. If I felt like dealing with their shit, I’d QT or tag. I’m in no mood to deal w/ bigoted jackasses right now.

16/ #CUSD : contact ALL district and school leadership. Demand the right person make the right call to make this right. Demand they shut this down. Demand they explain how this happened in the first place. Demand to know how they will not let this happen again.


17/ Oops! Almost forgot this.

Officially promoted on the official Instagram of the Perry TPUSA club.

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