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usually online & onchain ⛓ Growth @FantomFDN 👻 music 🤘 games 🕹 outdoors enjoyooor 💙 father // tweets my own. $ETH '17 $FTM '18 🇺🇸

Feb 21, 2023, 8 tweets

Have you heard about #Fantom's plan for gas subsidies?

It means: no more faucets, no more bridges, just wallets!

Let me show you examples why this development has incredible implications for dApp developers. Plus, huge potential to increase $FTM adoption 🚀

A short thread 🧵👇

#Fantom gas subsidies will allow a smart contract to provide the $FTM gas token for any user.

This is gone: send fiat to CEX, wait 3 days for arrival, worry about native bridges (or faucets), calculate gas on the main layer depending on congestion, all to get your first $FTM gas

Gas subsidy possibilities are endless & novel.

Example 1: A multiplayer gaming quest ends, the successful player now completes on-chain transaction to collect his loot. Cool, new armor! ⚔️

& the $FTM gas token for the txn was provided directly by the game's contract. Convenient

Example 2: A popular new on-chain social app requires a user to interact with a smart contract to post their latest blog.

User is logged in, submits blog entry to app, $FTM gas subsidized directly, entry provably shared/secured on-chain. Decentralization & no onboarding headache

With the gas subsidy solution, a dApp developer on #Fantom has access to a massively larger audience than just the usual native crypto users. The implications for real world applications are vast.

And many devs are already sharing their interest 💬

Still lost on real world application?

Example 3: Far in the future, private medical record data is kept secure in a decentralized storage application. Accessible only by the owner, they login to the dApp to get their results, "signing" a blockchain txn in the background, no gas.

Now you're starting to see, gas subsidies can change the game for developers coming to build their dApps on #Fantom.

Q: When can we expect them go live? 👀

A: This year 👇

Whether you are part of the #FantomFam already or just making your way over, a Follow will ensure you learn more about our $FTM ecosystem over the coming days, weeks and months to come! 🤝

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