Senator-elect Carlos Guillermo Smith Profile picture
History-making lawmaker. 🏳️‍🌈 FL State Senator-elect, District 17, He/him/él. Equality Florida Senior Policy Advisor. Jerick’s husband. Personal account

Feb 21, 2023, 5 tweets

“A #StandforFreedom statewide movement and walkout is scheduled from 12-1PM Thursday on Florida college campuses….host organizations stated ‘We’re asking that you walk out of your classes, jobs and other obligations to meet at your campus student center.’…

“The demonstration will demand bringing an end to what organizers say is "the DeSantis administration's attacks on LGBTQ+ and BIPOC students, faculty and staff." The march will request to restore diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in all colleges across the state.”

“At FSU, the walkout is expected to involve students meeting at the Westcott Fountain on the university's campus before marching to the governor's mansion on North Adams Street — a 22-minute walk.”

“Besides location arrangements at FSU, UCF students plan to meet at their university's Memory Mall Flag Pole for the movement Thursday while USF students will meet on the lawn of their university's Phyllis P. Marshall Student Center.”

Folks can also visit to directly contact the Board of Trustees at their university with their concerns. 📝 #standforfreedom

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