Brown Eyed Susan Profile picture
FUCK FASCISM Women's Rights Are Human Rights Fuck MAGA The blue check mark was given to me. Did not pay one red cent. Can't hide it, either. Not for everyone

Feb 21, 2023, 12 tweets

#TrumpIsALaughingStock is still trending?
Let me contribute!

lol Dr. Chin Medicine Woman lol

Sooo hot

This photo belongs in there!

Beauty and the beast🎶

Remember when he was doing the Lisa Page fake orgasm noises..🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Someone probably had to explain to this kid what the word orgasm means

Got insults? Memes? Park them on this thread

"Mom, see why I didn't want to come here. That guy is weird!"

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I love this thread so much💖🤣

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