Cathy Devine Profile picture
Independent Research & Consultancy: Sport Policy. Feminist Philosophy. Ex. Senior Lecturer, Uni. of Cumbria. Ex. Sec. British Phil. of Sport Assn. Labour Party.

Feb 21, 2023, 18 tweets

Good to see some of this work out in the public domain. Myself and Professor Leslie Howe surveyed 25, and interviewed 10, Canadian high performance athletes, past and present, including 8 Olympians. It was an honour and a privilege to document the views of these superb women. 1/

We are, at present, writing up this work for academic publication. Probably two papers because of the richness of the data. We are using a human rights framework given the Canadian human rights infrastructure protects the human rights of females on the basis of sex. 2/

This includes the human rights to freedom of expression, non-discrimination and equality of opportunity, on the basis of sex.
Thanks to Coach Blade @coachblade for discussing our work in this article for the @MLInstitute. 3/

Here is a taster of the Project. The athletes. 4/

4/ On human rights, sex, and gender identity.

5/ On sex and gender identity.

6/ On sex and gender identity. The importance of categories based on sex.

7/ On the right to recognition of biological sex.

8/ On the 2021 IOC Framework.

9/ More IOC Framework questions.

10/ Comments re 2021 IOC Framework.

11/ On category solutions.

12/ Additional questions of interest.

13/ Related comments.

14/ The three athletes who thought the survey was 'transphobic'.

There is so much data that this is just a glimpse. The interviews lasted between 30 mins and 2.5 hours. These athletes had a lot to say. 15/

Link to the report obtained by access to information request by the @MLInstitute. 16/…

@letsgetitbetter @coachblade For those who are interested, the survey was leaked last year and a lobbying group outside of Canada tried to get it cancelled. Information here:

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