Good to see some of this work out in the public domain. Myself and Professor Leslie Howe surveyed 25, and interviewed 10, Canadian high performance athletes, past and present, including 8 Olympians. It was an honour and a privilege to document the views of these superb women. 1/
We are, at present, writing up this work for academic publication. Probably two papers because of the richness of the data. We are using a human rights framework given the Canadian human rights infrastructure protects the human rights of females on the basis of sex. 2/
This includes the human rights to freedom of expression, non-discrimination and equality of opportunity, on the basis of sex.
Thanks to Coach Blade @coachblade for discussing our work in this article for the @MLInstitute. 3/
Here is a taster of the Project. The athletes. 4/
4/ On human rights, sex, and gender identity.
5/ On sex and gender identity.
6/ On sex and gender identity. The importance of categories based on sex.
7/ On the right to recognition of biological sex.
8/ On the 2021 IOC Framework.
9/ More IOC Framework questions.
10/ Comments re 2021 IOC Framework.
11/ On category solutions.
12/ Additional questions of interest.
13/ Related comments.
14/ The three athletes who thought the survey was 'transphobic'.
There is so much data that this is just a glimpse. The interviews lasted between 30 mins and 2.5 hours. These athletes had a lot to say. 15/
Link to the report obtained by access to information request by the @MLInstitute. 16/…
@letsgetitbetter @coachblade For those who are interested, the survey was leaked last year and a lobbying group outside of Canada tried to get it cancelled. Information here:
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