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Feb 22, 2023, 14 tweets

German activist @uheyden wrote an article for the German magazine @jungewelt quoting Larisa Shesler.

He attacks @DLF journalist @Adlerdradio by labeling her sources as "Ukrainian nationalists".

Let's have a look at @uheyden's sources in this 🧵

#ukrainewar #vatnik


First, @uheyden does not even question Larisa Shesler's questionable understanding of international law but uncritically adopts her position that no Ukrainians were kidnapped because they are now Russian citizens. /2

This is Larisa Shesler speaking at the "Russian Kharkov" conference organized by Sergey Moiseev's organization "Rus Triune" & Tatyana Pop's organization "Grandchildren". I will talk about both in other threads. For now, let's look at this conference's participants. /3

Sergey Moiseev wears a shirt designed by Igor Miroshnichenko, a "Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers" leader.
Maxim Markov is a member of the "Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers" and press spokesman for "Grandchildren" /4

A brief glimpse into Igor Miroshnichenko's VK. He sees his organization in the same category with Russian and West European neo-Nazi organizations. More about the "Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers" in another thread. /5

One participant was Nikolai Zaitsev, a volunteer of the "Grandchildren" organization. He awarded Sergey Moiseev, Maxim Markov & Gennady Shabinov the medal "Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!" Also in the picture: Igor Grunskoy.

Let's take a look at them. /6

In short: Gennady Shabinov is a veteran member of the neo-Nazi Organisation "Russian National Unity", still active in their networks and very well connected to neo-Nazis like Yuri Gvozdev. More about these connections in another thread. (Blurring of SS symbol by me). /7

Igor Grunskoy actively participates in several organizations. He is a member of "Rus Triune" and the "Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers". You can see him modeling for Igor Miroshnichenko's brand "Russian Symbol". He is also a member of the supra-organization "Holy Druzhina". /8

Now Nikolai Zaitsev. He was the Headquarters Officer of the Prizrak Brigade & posed as a member of the "Russian National Unity", although the RNU leader questioned this at the time. But he makes sure that everyone recognizes him as a Nazi. (Blurring of the SS symbol by me) /9

Some people mentioned above also work with German activist Liane Kilinc and her organization "Friedensbrücke - Kriegsopferhilfe e.V." (fbko.org) & Elena Romanenko's "Moscow-Donbass" which is Liane Kilinc's cooperation partner in Russia. /10

Elena Romanenko's organization "Moscow-Donbass" sends humanitarian aid to civilians in Donbass, but also drones and goods for infantry vehicles and artillery at the request of soldiers. Liane Kilinc's organization finances the transports. /11


Pictures from Sergey Moiseev's VK give the impression that Liane Kilinc is a closer friend to this network. Photos show the mentioned persons plus the radical far-right SERB activists Lyudmila Chubakova & Oleksandr Petrunko after the funeral of Alexander Miroshnichenko. /12

While German activist @uheyden wildly accuses @Adlerdradio of using information from "Ukrainian nationalists," he continually portrays the nationalists, clerofascists & neo-Nazis of the aforementioned network as ordinary people supported by Germans. /13

German publications like @NachDenkSeiten & @jungewelt publish his texts.

I'll ask a simple question: Where is the anti-fascism and journalism of @uheyden and these publications?

I have more threads about this network in the pipeline, as this is only the tip of the iceberg. /14

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