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Social Media 𝕏pert | @RubyMediaGroup® CEO. 📧 Booking:

Feb 23, 2023, 14 tweets

"In the first quarter of 2015, DARPA conducted the Twitter Bot Detection Challenge:

A 4-week competition to test the effectiveness of influence bot detection methods developed under the DARPA (SMISC) program.

The challenge was to identify influence bots supporting a……

"This challenge was about the threat posed by illicit influence operations on Twitter in order to sway opinion to be positive or negative on a targeted topic.

DARPA ran a challenge and said- your job is to identify bots that are trying to sway opinion towards a pro-vaccination……

“All we knew is that they were trying to put out tweets that were pro-vaccination. So we said okay, this is a moving target. We need a framework that adapts dynamically to what we are seeing.

Those of you that work in Machine Learning- how many of you believe that totally……


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