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The true spirit of the traditional Islamic scholarly heritage is not stagnation but vibrant progress.

Feb 24, 2023, 14 tweets


On this first Friday of Sha’ban 1444, it is with gratitude to God that Fitra Foundation launches the first in a series of posts on #metafiqh in preparation for our introductory publication.

FIQH is deep understanding of Revelation.

فهم دقيق


FIQH is judging by the scale of divine accountability and action based on sincerity and sound knowledge.

معرفة ما لك وعليك


FIQH is intelligence bred of giving precedence to prophetic guidance over whim.

عقل نبوي


FIQH is grasping the sacred objectives underlying legal transactions.

إدراك المقاصد والمعاني


FIQH is a comprehensive conception of the sacred law.

تصور شامل للشريعة


FIQH entails placing juristic issues within the grand conception.

تخريج على أصول الإمام


FIQH is skill and juristic ‘sense’

ملكة فقه النفس


FIQH is the ability to exercise juristic reasoning to derive verdicts for new scenarios.

إجتهاد في النوازل


the combination of the eight elements of fiqh,
preservation of Tradition without impeding growth,
the combination of methodology and context,
the bridge between the past-traditional and
the future-transcendental.

Metafiqh is innovative Tradition. 9/

The impetus for metafiqh is the stagnation of fatwa literature, the mismatched superimposition of classical rulings upon new contexts, and the complete absence of a knowledge infrastructure from which to initiate madhhab-based procreation.


In short, the objective of the shari’ah is the realization of human needs within the framework of the divine imperatives. When fatwa is reduced to parroting classical positions, detached from contemporary context, it breaches the objective of the shari’ah.


Sayyida Nafīsa Seminary is the educational arm of @FitraFoundation, the first seminary of its kind, dedicated to rearing female jurists.

Fitra Foundation is committed to teaching
Religion holistically in the context of
human spiritual health and
prophetic perfection.


Support this historic initiative.

Twitter @FitraFoundation @imanmbadawi
Instagram @fitra_foundation @Shaykha.iman.badawi

Allah’s infinite peace & blessings be upon Rasūlullāh, his pure progeny, gleaming companions, illuminated inheritors, and all loyal followers.


جمعة مبارك

اللهم اصلح وارحم وفرج عن أمة سيدنا محمد

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد نورِ الأنوار وسر الأسرار وترياق الأغيار ومفتاح باب اليسار ،سيدنا محمد المختار ،وآله الأطهار وأصحابه الأخيار عدد نعم الله و افضاله

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين…

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