Whelp, the predicted (by David Wallace @Pick61989 ) plan to replace Pierre is go.
PM Ford puts the Russian mob in charge of Canada. Folks. #KlondikePapers
I'm glad they amplified Anderson's voice over the interviewer's hair.
Mr. Koch is not happy
(*deleted minutes later)
Richard Raycraft CBC Oct 06, 2022
Rachel Gilmore Global News
Published July 7, 2022
Dec 11, 2022
This tweet was deleted too
"The Leader"
Hmm, what's German for leader?
Sebastian Skamski
Harper and Ford
Purged himself
I find it unlikely PP would denounce her and that it was outside his comms team that the message was sent.
Western Standard New Media Corp. created by Ezra Levant establishes that PP met Anderson when Pierre states that he never met her.
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