Whelp, the predicted (by David Wallace @Pick61989 ) plan to replace Pierre is go.
PM Ford puts the Russian mob in charge of Canada. Folks. #KlondikePapers
I'm glad they amplified Anderson's voice over the interviewer's hair.
The Conservative Party and their tame MSM cronies made certain of that.
Judy-Judy-Judy Wilson Raybould, martyr to control freak and corporate stooge fascist and communist dictator PM Justin Trudeau's insane misogyny.
But, wait...
As Minister of Justice and federal Attorney General, Wilson-Raybould appointed judges.
Two of them are Alberta judges
Justice William T. deWit
Justice Janice R. Ashcroft
Justice William T. deWit was a pro boxer
I worked with someone who trained under Ip Man. He said that at the top levels all pro boxing and MMA is organized crime controlled. No exceptions. See: "Active Club".
As a defence attorney, he represented Alberta MLA Jason Nixon in..