Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her

Feb 25, 2023, 7 tweets

It Has Pockets!!

Purple Velvet Pockets!
19th c. book portfolio lined with all sorts of luxury fabrics. What goes inside?


Don't look now, but it has two books in it! One goes in that velvet front pocket, and both contain c. 1600 Euridice music.

As I commented in a response further below, these books are scores for the supposed first opera, on the tragic Euridice, composed by Jacopo Peri, and performed in honor of Marie de Medici and Henry IV at their Florence wedding (Henry attended by proxy).
Peri himself sang a role!

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