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Ethical Brand + Nonprofit + Political Strategist | Pres/CEO, @1000WordsInc | Publicist, @realcatbrooks | Award-Winning Writer | Also

Feb 26, 2023, 7 tweets

I spoke with @kamaufranklin, who co-founded @CommunityMvt after years with @MXGMNyc in NYC, about Cop City in Atlanta and what it means for liberation movements in the US and worldwide

“We’ve got to get to a place in our movement where we’re winning some of these struggles, but we can only have that when the lulls happen and we’re not falling apart”

@kamaufranklin on what we can learn from #StopCopCity — even if we *don’t* win

@kamaufranklin “You will catch hell if you continue to work on this project. It will be the hardest work you’ve ever done” - @kamaufranklin to the city, corporations and developers behind Cop City

Want to #StopCopCity? Here’s what *you* can do — wherever you live

Want to know what you can do in *your* community?

Study and incorporate lessons from the work of orgs like @CooperationJXN, @wspmutualaid, @REPforMN, @RemoraHouse_DC, @APTPaction, and — of course — @CommunityMvt

@CooperationJXN @wspmutualaid @REPforMN @RemoraHouse_DC @APTPaction @CommunityMvt Following the murders of #TyreNichols in Memphis and @defendATLforest activist Manuel Esteban Paez Terán (#Tortuguita) in Atlanta, more people are talking about abolition than ever before

I asked @kamaufranklin what it means to him


Get to know Kamau Franklin, Community Movement Builders, the movement to Stop Cop City, what it means to combat copaganda, and the histories of US student activism, HBCUs and Black leadership in Atlanta

Dissent is patriotic, they say

Yet they’ve criminalized activism in the land of the free

Where you too can be a “terrorist” at a rally for abortion rights

So if you don’t get the severity of terrorism and RICO charges against @defendATLforest protesters, research @FreeJessRez

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