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Father. Spinal Specialist Physiotherapist. The Radicular Clinician. Prepping Painful Lumbar Radiculopathy course. Mini leopard cohabitation 🐆

Feb 26, 2023, 7 tweets

v2.0 with adjustments
Radicular pain and/or radiculopathy. A thread on decision making.

1⃣ Setting the scene

3Ps/serious pathology (red lines) aside. What does the evidence tells us?

✳️Wait & see
✳️Physiotherapy interventions
✳️Nerve root block

2⃣ A stepped care approach

So, who will get better anyway? What about relieving suffering? We only have early work into trajectories and prognostics.

Current guidelines and national pathways recommend a stepped approach. One that is 'least intrusive'.

3⃣ Management variables

What characteristics should we consider? To map onto the stepped care approach.

✳️Confidence in dx
✳️Additional factors

4⃣ Confidence in dx

Does the story fit?
Is symptomology consistent?

Does the pt have clear muscle power loss? Any objective numbness with clear borders?

5⃣ Prognostics

Green: Positive prognostically
Red: Negative prognostically

Use these to plan care and have sensible conversations with pts.

6⃣Additional variables

Does your pt even want to consider interventional procedures ? Do they understand their options.

Gone are the days that pt MUST have interventions done to them.

What about surgical fitness?

So remember, a stepped approach with least level of intrusiveness. Remember your redlines.

For further CPD come attend our annual @NatSpineNetwork event…

Also check out our NHS booklets…

@AnninaBSchmid @SiobhanStynes

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