Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her

Feb 27, 2023, 5 tweets

Tell-All Volvelle?

Newly re-cataloged to include the movable bits! This hand-drawn "Viennese Oracle" dial points you to one of 16 riddles and presumably, THE TRUTH!
#ManuscriptMonday #interactive


@NewberryLibrary Behold!

Worthy of the Oracle at Delphi, is it not? All that nearly grisaille watercolor marbling to establish a German Romantic nostalgia vibe in the process of using the dial...

@NewberryLibrary Wisdom of the Ages?

Looks like the book is getting a ringing endorsement from Athena and her owl! I presume the dial is around the back of the monument? I'm unfamiliar with Joseph Dietrich, but he signed all the pictures...

@NewberryLibrary Wisdom of the Ages?

Looks like the book is getting a ringing endorsement from Athena and her owl! I presume the dial is around the back of the monument? I'm unfamiliar with Joseph Dietrich, but he signed all the pictures and dated most 1798...

@NewberryLibrary Let's Play 16 Questions

The topics range widely from Number I (with religious overtones), to Number 16 (about maintaining friendships).
So, where DOES 18th c. friendship come from? Clearly by playing with this book together!

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