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Breaking the Silence is an Israeli veterans' organization aimed at raising awareness to the dire consequences of prolonged military occupation.

Mar 1, 2023, 8 tweets

A Pogrom took place in Huwara two days ago.

From inciting calls to violence beforehand to justification afterwards, Israeli right-wing leaders were quick to excuse - and justify - the rampage.

Smotrich's latest comments aren't the only ones. Just take a look:

"I liked a tweet that called to erase the village of Huwara because I think the village of Huwara needs to be erased. The state of Israel is the one that needs to erase it."

Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK Religious Zionism party

"[Huwara] isn't a Palestinian village. It's a transit route which all of the residents of the Gav HaHar [settlements] drive on."

Tzvi Sukkot MK, Religious Zionism party

"[...]The village of Huwara must be wiped out today.
Enough with all the talk of construction and strengthening the settlement movement;the deterrence that has been lost must be returned right now; and there's no room for mercy."

D.Ben Zion, Deputy Head Samaria Regional Council

"The actions [...] in Huwara created the strongest deterrent that the State of Israel has had since Operation Defensive Shield (in 2002). After a murder like we saw yesterday we need villages to burn as long as the IDF is not operating."

Tzvika Fogel MK, Jewish Power Party

"Unfortunately, I can understand the impatience and pain of these citizens. A strong Israel must act with an iron fist."

Nissim Vaturi MK, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Likud party

"The only condemnation that will come out of my mouth is a condemnation of [Palestinian] terrorists, cruel and primitive murderers who take our lives… I do not judge and will not condemn people in their time of suffering."

Talli Gotliv MK, Likud party, in Knesset debate

(On the Israeli soldiers stationed in Huwara)"Why are the security forces here? We have weapons, we can defend ourselves, let them go and catch the terrorists."

Daniella Weiss, leader of the Nahala settler movement

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