@Rust Profile picture
It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting ….but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself

Mar 1, 2023, 8 tweets

In a faithful recreation of the #ONS dataset:

‘Death by Vaccination Status’

We see that the 🟦Unvaccinated had lower All-cause mortality than vaccinated doses;

🟧 Dose 1 <21 days
🟧Dose 1 >21 days
◻️Dose 2<21 days
◻️Dose 2 >21 days <6m
◻️Dose 2 > 6m
🟥 Dose 3 <21 days


All-cause mortality, 2022, England

The only vaccinated Dose with lower ASMR mortality than the #Unvaccinated is:

🟥 Dose 3 > 21 days

However, that is only a MARGINAL benefit for last 6 months

The 🟩Ever-Vaccinated figure is a Dr Frankenstein creation, welded to Dose 3


#COVID19 mortality, 2022 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

The only vaccinated Dose with lower ASMR Covid mortality than the #Unvaccinated is:

🟥 Dose 3 > 21 days

Again the 🟩Ever-Vaccinated figure tracks Dose 3. IMO this bastardised group should not be used - as it groups 6 vaccination sets together


As stated, those graphs are recreated from the ONS data-link⬇️

The Age-Standardised Mortality Rate #ASMR was heralded as the Golden Fleece for vaccine efficacy

But ONS failed to disclose that #Unvaccinated out-performed

Dose 1
Dose 2
Dose 3 <21d


The ONS Head of Mortality Statistics @SarahCaul_ONS was quick to publish the bottom graph, showcasing the ‘Ever Vaccinated’ with lower ASMR than Unvaccinated

She failed to show all of the cohorts by vax status-thus failing to highlight unvaccinated better than > D1, D2, D3 <21

As well as failing to display the Dose 1 & Dose 2 data in their ‘Anti-Vax’ counter narrative, the ONS also failed to provide;

Dose 4 data (Spring 2022)
Dose 5 data (Autumn booster)

Why? They claimed they didn’t have the data. Yet the NHS publish the booster data DAILY⬇️


The ONS mortality figures in the dataset, seemed to be missing ~40,000 deaths from the 2022 total

Are these the missing deaths post Dose 4/5 ?


Were the deaths post Dose 4/5 misclassified with another cohort?

We have seen a ‘dump back’ effect with previous boosters


Unvaccinated lower mortality than:

🟧 Dose 1 <21 days
🟧Dose 1 >21 days
◻️Dose 2<21 days
◻️Dose 2 >21 days <6m
◻️Dose 2 > 6m
🟥 Dose 3 <21 days

Unvaccinated MARGINAL higher mortality than:

🟥 Dose 3 > 21 days

Dose 4, Dose 5 Unkown ❌

marginal ….


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