Presidential Wisdom Profile picture
Imperfect men w/mixed legacies ALL said & did stuff. ❤s/RTs, and all content (Washington-Trump) for fun/historic purposes only! || NO POLITICS 😀#POTUS 🇺🇸

Mar 1, 2023, 13 tweets

So about 300 of you sent me this so I condensed it and added my own commentary 😂😂😂

All the Presidents with mullets!
Thanks to @hamcarless for making these

Enjoy my commentary! 😜😜


I feel like Ricky Cobb over at @Super70sSports would love this

George Washington
- creepy guy at the bar who monopolizes the juke box

John Adams
- invented the synthesizer

Thomas Jefferson
- author of the Declaration of multiple swinger parties

James Madison
- definitely mows the lawn shirtless and in cutoff jeans


James Monroe
- nice perm

John Quincy Adams
- “Amadeus, Amadeus!”

Andrew Jackson
- looks exactly the same 😂

Martin Van Buren
- I don’t know but I guarantee he smells like cigarettes


William Henry Harrison
- cover boy for those trashy romance novels

John Tyler
- I feel like there should be lasers behind him

James K. Polk
- looks like the lead guitarist for band called “Manifest Destiny”

Zachary Taylor
- this guy will buy teenagers some beer


Millard Fillmore
- so that’s NOT Boss Hogg?

Franklin Pierce
- pretty sure that guy played Atari with me while smoking weed with my dad

James Buchanan
- definitely has an unnecessary tiger tattoo

Abraham Lincoln
- saw this guy at my dad’s AA meetings in 1989…a lot


Andrew Johnson
- has high black boots to go with the fit

Ulysses Grant
- owns the record store with all the incense

Rutherford Hayes
- sits in the back of Grant’s record store…the reason for all the incense

James Garfield
- Oak Ridge Boy


Chester Arthur
- Hell’s Angel

Grover Cleveland (22)
- sheriff trying to catch Chester Arthur

Benjamin Harrison
- I mean he looks like a Civil War veteran, haha

Grover Cleveland (24)
- retired after capturing Chester Arthur


William McKinley
- bad guy from “Wild, Wild West”

Theodore Roosevelt
- roadie for Lynyrd Skynyrd

William Howard Taft
- pit boss at a casino

Woodrow Wilson
- pretty sure that’s every 1980s office worker at your elementary school


Warren Harding
- literally looks exactly the same

Calvin Coolidge
- 1980s Glamour Shots

Herbert Hoover
- looks like Meatloaf

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- looks like John Lennon if he got old


Harry Truman
- bussin’

Dwight Eisenhower
- I mean WTF…

John F. Kennedy
- looks like the guys my mom dated after she and my dad got divorced

Lyndon Baines Johnson
- looks like he spreads the pixie dust on the Tilt-a-Whirl at the state fair


Richard Nixon
- 1970s porn director

Gerald Ford
- 1970s “CHAD”

Jimmy Carter
- cigarette commercial

Ronald Reagan
- country music icon


George HW Bush
- pretty sure that’s the “Jimmy Dean” sausage guy

Bill Clinton
- looks like how Brian May from Queen does now

George W Bush
- every 1970s TV cop

Barack Obama
- Billy Dee Williams…and I want some Colt 45 now!


Donald Trump and Joe Biden ironically look like they are in the same 1980s metal band and they’re scoping out groupies in the crowd.

A bipartisan effort!!

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