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Mar 1, 2023, 10 tweets

FACT CHECKING the INTELLECTUAL HONESTY of @DeepakBagla_ (DB), CEO of #Investindia at a Treasury Leadership Forum 2023 was shared by several people with Wow! Link of his presentation at the end.

DB Said: "India was 25% of Worlds GDP in 1750s"
TRUE: Indias POPULATION was also ~27% of the Worlds. Table Attached.
Before Industrial Revolution, India was blessed with Fertile Land, Rivers & 4 Seasons/yr. HEAVEN
Europe & N. Asia had Harsh Weather. US was a non-entity.

3/n Look at this Chart of World GDP per Capita from the ancient world to today.

For Instance, In WW2 UK's gdp per capita was $10k (Dominican Republic), in 1870 it was 5k (El Salvador), & before 1800 it was below $2k (Haiti) before 1600 $500 (Somalia)

DB Said: "India $1Trn GDP took 67yrs, 2nd $Trn took 8yr & 3rd $Trn took 5 years.
FACT: 1960 (~$37bn) to 2006 (~$1trn), 46yrs = 7.3% CAGR.
2nd Trn took 8yr : 2006 to 2014 @ 9% CAGR
3rd Trn took 7yrs : 2014 to 2021 @ 6.5% CAGR


What Really Matters is Per Capita Income Growth and Bridging Income inequality...

Per Capital Income barely grew till 2000 when it took off due to IT Services, Autos, Pharma, Private Sector Banks leading to Real Estate and also the lagged impact of 1990s LIBERALIZATION....

DB Said: "India would be the youngest Country till 2070 & 1.6 billion Population by 2047"

FACT: True that India's population exceeded China BUT, Indias Population also may have PEAKED given that Indias FERTILITY RATE is now 2.1 which is REPLACEMENT rate (NHFS 2021)

As per the latest 2022 Edition of UN World Population Prospects Report for India, IHME projects a total fertility rate of 1.29 births per woman in 2100 instead of 1.69 in the UN medium scenario, resulting in a population that is 433 million smaller than UN Forecast by 2100.

Link to UN Report un.org/development/de…

DB Said "Every Minute 30 ppl are moving from Village to a city in India.. in 10yr we will create a new USA in India.. We need to Give them housing, infra, water, education, Good Environment.

FACT: if Our Fertility Rate declines, Population density will barely Grow.

This is work in progress

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