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Pindaric flights - voli pindarici PhD: classical archaeology & Greek - Concern: civilization and more perfect unions

Mar 3, 2023, 7 tweets

#OTD in 1940
Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, written & illustrated by Hal Foster - No. 160, 3 March 1940
1: ‘Synopsis: Back from the victorious battlefield comes Prince Valiant, carrying in his arms the limp form of Hulta pierced through by an enemy arrow. ...

And Hulta, who has carried messages safely through the danger and turmoil of battle, turns out to be a girl!’
‘“So you have found me out, my prince?” “Yes,” says Val, “and when the men know there is a young girl in camp there will be trouble. Why did you masquerade as a boy?”'

2: ‘“My father was a chieftain of the shepherd tribes hereabout. The Huns came. . . . .Only I escaped. Even women must fight now-a-days and I am a warrior’s daughter.’
#PrinceValiant #HalFoster

3. ‘“. . . . .And another worry for me,” adds Val. “Oh! well, I’ll even matters up by passing on a worry to Kalla Khan.” And he sends for two Hun prisoners and the body of “Karnak the Ferocious”.’
#PrinceValiant #HalFoster

4: ‘“Deliver this message and this casket to Kalla Khan of the Huns and,” he adds ominously, “it is better not to fail.”’
#PrinceValiant #HalFoster

5: ‘And Kalla Khan is not overly pleased with the ghastly present nor the message which reads, “You promised to cut off the head of ‘Karnak the Ferocious’ should he fail. I have courteously saved you the trouble; it was a pleasure. Many more of your generals will fall and add...

their heads to your collection for I have shown the world that the Huns are not invincible. The Huns also know this and their power is gone forever.” And in his heart Kalla Khan knows this to be true.’
‘Next Week - Girl Trouble.’
#PrinceValiant #HalFoster

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