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Mar 3, 2023, 10 tweets

Today is #WorldHearingDay

Keep your ears 👂 healthy and prevent common ear problems and protect yourself from hearing loss. 🔗

Hearing loss may result from:

◽️ genetic causes
◽️ complications at birth
◽️ some infectious diseases
◽️ chronic ear infections
◽️ the use of particular drugs
◽️ exposure to excessive noise
◽️ ageing

Know more 👉 #WorldHearingDay

With simple interventions at primary care level, most ear and hearing problems can be tackled.

Learn how doctors are improving hearing care access in #Fiji 👉

Health workers aid hearing care in their communities by spotting ear & hearing problems early on. They provide care, guidance & referrals to those in need.

Read about the nurses in #Zambia 👉 #WorldHearingDay

On #WorldHearingDay, we call for accessible hearing care for all, including persons living with deafness or other disabilities.

Check out our strategies for equitable access to healthcare 👉

More people experience hearing loss at some point in their life. Not addressing it can prove to be costly.

Integrating hearing care into primary health care is critical 👉 #WorldHearingDay

Countries must ensure that ear and hearing care is available in primary health care by:

👂 Training community health workers
👂 Conducting awareness campaigns

More info 👉 #WorldHearingDay

Use the - hearWHO app- and check your hearing 👂. You can assess if you have trouble hearing or persistent ringing in your ears (tinnitus).

Contact your healthcare provider if you fail the check or experience signs of hearing loss 👉 #WorldHearingDay

The provision of hearing screening and audiology services is limited, including for infants and children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in most low- and middle-income countries.

👉 #WorldHearingDay

What are the early signs of hearing loss❓
Can it be cured❓
What can you do to prevent hearing loss❓

Dr @ShellyChadha1 explains in Science in 5 👀

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