Harry Liu @ Forj 🙈 Profile picture
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Mar 3, 2023, 8 tweets

Impressive stats from @Vora_xyz @prollynuthin from making a game that builds on top of Koda's IP
🔸 358 total players
🔸 38k games play
🔸 62 high score

@OthersideMeta is going be decentralized, game-focus and community driven. Vora is showing us how it is done 🥢✨

1/ Gameplay from @LordWhole

We can see it is a flappy bird style game. Players enjoy the Chaos deed theme that create an immersive feeling of Otherside.

2/ A leaderboard is up with the higest score being 340 and 77 games play.

3/ What is the prizes?

The top 10 players will be entered into a tournament for a 1 of 1 artifact. The tournament will be streamed live on #Twitch and the top player will walk away with the prize. More details soon...

4/ Check out dave's high score

5/ Nix had a great run too

6/ Kudos to Nova and his team for making this mini game before Otherside 2nd trip. Everyone who plays has fun. It is a demonstration of Otherside's spirit - anyone can build on The Otherside. We build great content together to make it happen.

7/ Reference:

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