Steve Herman Profile picture
Chief nat’l correspondent @VOANews; Adjunct asst. professor, @ShenandoahU; Adjunct @URjournalism; Author: 'Behind the White House Curtain' @KentStateUPress

Mar 4, 2023, 15 tweets

"Even before I arrive at the Oval Office I will have the war between Russia and Ukraine settled," predicts Trump, adding "it won't even take one day."

Biden "took it away and hid it," Trump says of his border wall.

"My wonderful travel ban is gone," adds Trump.

Military resources will also be used to carry out the largest deportation in American history if he gets back in the White House, promises Trump.

Some in the audience beginning to exit the ballroom as Trump continues beyond 75 minutes in his #CPAC speech.

National Guard will be used in his second term to "restore law and order" in cities, promises Trump. "We're not supposed to do that."

"Scourge of homelessness" will end if he's elected again, says Trump, claiming he ordered his motorcade route routinely cleaned up in and around #DC so he didn't see disgusting things while in the presidential limousine.

"We will ban all racial discrimination by the government," says Trump in minute 83 of his #CPAC speech.

Biden policy of "chemical castration and sexual mutlation of our youth" will end when he is president again, says Trump. "That will take place on day one."

"I will remove China's most-favored nation trade status immediately on day one," adds Trump.

He'll withdraw US again from the WHO, which Trump says stands for "We Hide Outbreaks."

We're at the 90-minute mark of the Trump #CPAC speech.

Windmills killing birds finally comes up in minute 93 of Trump #CPAC speech.

"Zuckerbucks spent 500 million dollars...for all of this crap that they were doing," Trump tells #CPAC, now saying that Republicans need to "become masters of ballot harvesting."

New Freedom Cities "will be built on the frontier" to give people a shot at becoming homeowners, promises Trump in minute 99 of his #CPAC speech. And "baby bonuses for a baby boom."

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