Greenpeace NZ Profile picture
Independent global organisation taking action to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity. PRESS DESK: @NZGreenpeace

Mar 5, 2023, 8 tweets

Governments at the @UN have just agreed on a Global Ocean Treaty! 🌍

This is a huge win - possibly the biggest conservation victory ever!

Here’s a short 🧵 on how we got here and what it means...…

🌊 It’s a victory for the oceans and it’s a victory for people power.

💪Over 5 million people have joined our movement to protect the oceans. The politicians couldn’t ignore our call!

The treaty enables governments to set up sanctuaries across the global oceans- making it possible to protect 30% of the oceans by 2030, the minimum scientists say is needed for oceans and marine life to recover 🐟

Read more about the science here:…

Protecting the oceans also helps guarantee the livelihoods and food security of the billions of people in coastal communities that depend on them.…

🐋 Your support has helped us to sail to every ocean to document precious marine life and fragile ecosystems

and confront the industries that pose a risk to them like:

❗Industrial fishing
❗Oil drilling
❗Deep sea mining

None of this would have been possible without our movement, so take a moment to congratulate yourselves on this historic win! 🥳

There’s still more to do, and with you by our side we’ll keep working to make sure we #ProtectTheOceans for generations to come!

But for now, let’s celebrate! 🎉🎥

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