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The Core Movement (பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும் -- Non-Dravidian Tamil stock) Discourse Analyst…

Mar 5, 2023, 8 tweets

A vile libellous campaign poster that was used by DMK 2021 campaign. It was not carried because almost all news outlets took money and ran it on front pages

(follow me to see how grotesque this was) 1/n

I had tweeted at that time about how grating and grotesque this poster was.

Let me zoom in and show.

This shows a lie and a caricature of a North Indian spitting paan sitting in a Job in Neyveli LIgnite that belongs to Tamils.

like nzi toons these are designed to make you squirm, it isnt normal political cartooning.

Next an outlandish libel. Showing H.Raja of BJP a TamizhBrahmin fakely saying Non-Brahmins should be denied education. A take on the original Kula Kalvi hoax.

👉👉Obviously no one would vote for a party that denies education to all castes except brahmins.

Next a very Goebbelsian absurd .. that they would convert the Anna Centenary Library to a cow welfare centre.

It is absurd right?? but anti-sm is absurd too. It is about how graphically it is presented. The effect it has.

this malicious lies was mainstreamed by New Delhi media as "humor and creative" merely because they were hand drawn cartoon caricatures.

The same way FIPS cartoons in Der Steurmer can be called humorous.

This was 2019 @AIADMKOfficial full pagee - see how decent.

The decent civilized have zero chance against this. That is the real story of #Drav.

To the receiver

👉நாம அவன் மூஞ்சில காறி உமிழ்கிறோம்.. இவன் என்னடா ன்னா எதோ பம்முறான்
we are so raw and .. look how weak they are

so let me run a poll. which one would you vote for?

One is in your face. Other is weak, using words and policies and laws .. a weak man uses words.

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