@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Mar 5, 2023, 12 tweets

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod Around the same time CZ had apparently come to the conclusion that #SBF was unhinged and wanted out. He allowed #FTX to publish false information about #binance (Miami Dade due diligence Stadium naming rights).

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod March 2021 Binance and Multicoin get fully loved up.

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod We love #binance sooo much we spent thousands of hours writing puff research pieces.....#binance the new #piratebay

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod We love #multicoincapital sooo much because they write all the cool shit for #binance.
We are going to work really closely with them.

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod and by #duediligence I mean we negotiate massive exits for ourselves leveraging our unhinged partners ego mid deal on putting his stupid logo on a sports stadium.

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod We put a few bucks into and blow some smoke up our new lap dog partners fund....and while we take $2B off the table we let them invest into #FTX....

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod Best of all our partner who has been instrumental in soo many of the biggests crypto deals ever.
Has blown themselves up....

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod @kylesamani you do realise that those #FTX #shitcoins that CZ belted out that lit up the #FTX #dumpster was part of the $2.3B he took off the table

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod @KyleSamani At the same time you were shovelling your cash in #FTX.
When you were doing #duedilengence on #FTX
Did you even bother to ask @cz_binance why he was taking out $2.3B and doing a runner?

@ThegreatLambiny @ParrotCapital @Bitfinexed @Cryptadamist @cryptoinformer0 @Annihil4tionGod @KyleSamani @cz_binance Or was that the play?
An old Tradfi playbook. One player negotiates an exit on the basis that the exiting party helps facilitate the restocking of the coffers....#roundrobin

#unhinged but investible

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