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Mar 7, 2023, 9 tweets

Here are changes to my map. It will be my update for today. #ukrdailyupdate

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First, the Avdiivka area. I changed the area between Novoselivka Druha and Krasnohorivka to a gray area (A). I am not sure if Russia ever really controlled that area.

Russians claim they are attacking Avdiivka from the direction of Spartak. They may be attacking Zenit. I am not sure. I have the arrow pointing at Avdiivka, but they may mean Zenit. (B)

Russians claim a Ukrainians pushed them back several hundred meters near Sjeverne. I cannot confirm this, but I marked a gray area (C).

Near Marinka, Russia has advanced toward Pobjeda (D).

The Russian area of control near Vuhledar is clarified. It looks kinda like a bird sitting on Mykilske (E).

Clarification of Russian control around Nevelske (F).

Russians advance and capture most if not all of the eastern side of the Bakhmut river (G). The area I marked with blue lines could still be contested. It may be captured by now, though.

This area north of Bakhmut, the Russians appear to be expanding their area of control, but I don't know the full extent so I just expanded the gray area.

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