Parzival57 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🟧 Profile picture
USMC vet with 💎🤲. HODLing $AMC and $GME for #MOASS 🚀. Singer, gamer, 3D movie lover, and fan of classic cars. Investor/Trader. NOT a financial advisor.

Mar 7, 2023, 9 tweets

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer Perhaps you might try learning what that phrase means before continuing to blindly parrot it as a meaningless response?

Grammar test:

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer Shall we break down the #2A in crayon for you and pretend this hasn't already been done ad nauseum on this very platform? 🤨

1) The Bill of Rights exists to limit govt power and prevent some specific abuses suffered under British rule. See the preamble to the BoR:

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer 2) The British banned the import of firearms and sought to disarm the people in order to render the militia ineffective. The Redcoats were marching on Lexington and Concord to seize arms and powder when the Shot Heard 'Round the World was fired, starting the Revolution.

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer 3) It is the right of the People to keep and bear arms which makes it possible for them to HAVE a "well-regulated militia"--which simply means properly functioning and equipped. The militia is every able bodied male except for a few public officials--then and now.

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer A govt that has the power to ban arms or any free citizen (those not incarcerated or institutionalized) from having them, is a threat both to liberty and to the ability of the People to defend it. This is exactly why the #2A exists--to bar govt from having that power. Ex:

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer 4) The plain text of the #2A affirms that having a well-regulated militia is essential, thus why it protects the right of the People to keep and bear arms from govt infringement--meaning the govt has no authority to stop anyone from owning or carrying arms for legitimate purposes

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer 5) The courts have consistently ruled the #2A protects a pre-existing individual right from govt infringement, despite judicial activism in the wake of the Roaring '20s and the resulting passage of the unconstitutional NFA in 1934 beginning to chip away at it.

@RocBrady @BK_McCallum @bradybuzz @SenSchumer Is there anything from the gun grabbers to legitimately rebut what I said, the evidence provided, or disprove the logic of the argument? Nope.

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