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Mar 8, 2023, 5 tweets

Today is #InternationalWomensDay

Health technologies and digital health services are powerful tools that enable women and girls to make informed decisions about their health needs


Women living in rural areas face many barriers to health services including transportation and social and economic factors.

Equitable access to health services, including e-health services, is critical for women and girls living in rural areas.


Women make up 70% of the health workforce globally, incl. 90% of all nurses, BUT
👩🏻‍⚕️ They occupy only 25% of global health leadership roles
👩🏻‍⚕️ On average earn 25% less than their male colleagues

We must address the root causes of disparities in women’s and girl’s health

Today on #InternationalWomensDay, we celebrate the women learning on our free #OpenWHO platform to strengthen public health.

52% of our learners are women, incl. 60% in key courses like our COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers.

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Refugee & migrant mothers 👩‍👦 & children have relatively poorer knowledge of, and access to, maternal & child health services.
This puts their health at a higher risk of poor health outcomes

To achieve #HealthForAll, access to healthcare services should be provided to everyone

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