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Mar 8, 2023, 7 tweets

Activists planned rallies and marches to celebrate International Women's Day while governments in several countries promised action to help improve the lot of half the world's population 1/6

🇨🇦 Canada repealed historic indecency and anti-abortion laws.

🇮🇪 Ireland announced a referendum in November to remove outmoded references to women in the constitution.

🪧 Marches and events were planned in cities including Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Istanbul and Singapore 2/6

🇮🇹 Giorgia Meloni, Italy's first woman prime minister, focused on the role of women in the economy saying state-controlled companies should have at least one female leader 3/6

🇯🇵 In Japan, which ranked 116 out of 146 countries on gender parity in a WEF global report last year, chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told a news conference that progress had been made on improving working conditions for women but more had to be done 4/6

🇷🇺 In Russia, where #IWD is one of the most celebrated public holidays, the head of its upper house of parliament used the occasion to launch a vehement attack on sexual minorities and liberal values promoted by the West 5/6

#IWD comes from the U.S. movements of the early 20th century when women were fighting for better working conditions and the right to vote.

Over a century later, women celebrate their achievements and draw attention to efforts to further improve rights 6/6

🔊 Today in 10 mins on Reuters World News podcast: Join us for a special episode to mark International Women’s Day

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